Hello DoctorsTalents-friends,

This is your FREE monthly www.DoctorsTalents.com newsletter for November 2007.
See all newsletters since 2002 at AllDoctorsTalentsNewsletters.htm

You are getting it earlier this time to give he german docs the chance to visit the sensational recital
which will take place in www.Buchen.de /Germany on November 2nd, see first point!

By the way those in the area of Rome should visit the recitals of the NMMG Orchestra - see point 15!

Some of you have become new members of our beneficial association DoctorsHobbies.com
so they automatically receive the newsletter, OK? Everybody should become member, check-in here please

1) GuitarDoc Karl-Heinz Bomberg is coming to www.Buchen.de for a recital with MusicDoc jam session!

Konzert mit dem bekanntesten Liedermacher der Ex-DDR

Karl-Heinz Bomberg

Vorstellung seiner neuen CD

und Wolfgang Ellenberger,


Freitag, den 2. November 2007
20.00 Uhr
Eintritt 9 Euro

Klicken Sie hier oder auf das Bild zur Buchung per Kreditkarte über unseren SICHEREN
Saferpay.com Server

oder kommen Sie zur Abendkasse.

Ihre Zahlungsbestätigungs-E-mail ist Ihre Eintritts-Karte! (unnummeriert).


Friday, 2nd November 2007
20.00 hrs
entry 9 Euro

Click here or on picturefor online booking over our SECURE
Saferpay.com Server

or come to the evening ticket booth.

Your E-mail confirmation is your ticket! (not numbered).


2) Susanne Pechel is GuitarDoc and BenefizDoc


due to a school teacher who did not allow her to arrange a beneficial recital in her school she shifted towards independant organisation and organised her events on her own.

Coming from the piano she switched to guitar

From this she could rise a beneficial organisation and engage herself in several overseas countries with significant projects.

Whoever can invite her for a recital and make it beneficial for her work is welcome to do so!


Pallotti Secondary School Choir, Singida Tansania
Dirigent: Elias K. Majaliwa
Mastered: Alex Klier
published and produced by GlüLiVer Records

Lieder aus Tansania (kisuaheli)

1. Naja Kwako Bwana Wangu (Eröffnungslied)
2. Kyrie Eleison (Kyrie)
3. Ningekuwa Na Mbawa (If I had wings - Zwischengesang)
4. Ee Baba Pokea Vipaji Vyetu (Gabenbereitung)
5. Mtakatifu (Sanctus)
6. Njoo Kwangu Yesu Mwema (Come to me Jesus - Kommunion)
7. Ninani Hawa (Who are these with joy - Danklied)
8. Umoja Wetu Wapendeza (Our unity shines - Schlußlied)
9. Mpigieni Mungu Vigelegele (Make joyful noise to God)
10.We are children of Pallotti
11.Mungu Ibariki Afrika (Tansanische Nationalhymne)

Benefiz-CD für das CED Hilfsprojekt in Tansania: Die Spende hilft den Kindern aus Singida, eine Schulausbildung zu finanzieren, die ihnen Berufsaussichten ermöglicht und ihnen Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft schenkt.

Produced by interMEDIS GmbH, GlüLiVer Records, Munich (Germany)

song-book for guitar with songs of Pechel




On September 13 in 1992 Susanne Pechel founded the development service CED - which is "Christian Entwicklungs Dienst".

It grew to an organisation with more than 1000 supporters all over Germany, there are helping groups in München, Coburg, Haldenwang, Kempten and Bühl.

The projects she sponsored in the last 20 years included hospitals for poor people as well as AIDS-hospiz, shelters, schools and several self-help-projects in Asia, Africa, Latin America and East Europe.

Get more informations about CED here: www.ced-online.de

Visit her homepage (german)

3) The MedEasy.de portal has linked back to DoctorsTalents.com !

Dr. Mathias Knoll whom we reported about recently with his comic-figure Dikie-Mouse has linked back to DoctorsTalents.com on his web site.
This is a good example how you can support Doctors Talents.com without any costs!!!
Please feel free to do similar things and link to our site, see some suggestions:

How to link TO DoctorsTalents.com

See Dr. Knoll's link here:

4) You know the UMEM?? you should!


is the actual president
Surgeon, writer, radio and television author
president of the UMEM since 2004
click for

5) Marion Kiechle is ModelDoc

See her presentation at BILD-Zeitung (difficult to get permission for photos)

6) literary "cenacolo" for medical and pharmaceutical students in Romania

Cenáculo Literário na Roménia para estudantes de Medicina

read the french text, some essential details will be easy to understand:


Le cénacle a été fondé en 1999 à l’initiative d’un groupe d’étudiants de l’Université de Médecine et Pharmacie « Carol Davila » de Bucarest et sous la coordination attentionnée de l’écrivain C.D. Zeletin, le président de S.M.E.P.R., lui-même médecin et professeur de biophysique de la même université.
Petit à petit, le groupe des jeunes désireux à joindre l’art des guérisseurs avec l’art des écrivains s’est élargi, les réunions en devenant, par conséquent, plus riches et plus vivantes. Le lieu habituel des réunions c’était la bibliothèque de la Société des Étudiants de la Faculté de Médecine. L’hebdomadaire « La vie médicale » commence à publier les plus représentatifs travaux du cénacle. Quelques-uns de membres du groupe réussissent de lancer des volumes qui comprennent leur création artistique, par exemple Iulia Moldoveanu avec deux volumes de poésie et prose, « Le cirque et Agharttha » et « Le journal de la poésie », des volumes apparus en 2000, respectivement en 2002, ou Radu Andrei Hora avec la collection de pièces de théâtre « Aix, le fou » qui a apparu en 2003.
Parce que la plupart des membres du cénacle finissent la faculté et ceux-ci n’auront plus les avantages de la vie estudiantine, le vieil siège est perdu et, en conséquence, les réunions commencent d’avoir lieu dans les cafés ou dans les bars, contournées d’un air bohème. Cette situation, initialement considérée un peu désagréable et provisoire, devient rapidement un mode de manifestation soutenu par tous les membres du cénacle et finalement les réunions ont lieux alternativement, tantôt au siège officiel, tantôt dans le milieu de la vie citadine bucarestoise.
En 2004 nous sommes quittés par une collègue, quelqu’une de la plus talentueuse, Elisabeta Manta, morte d’une maladie quand elle n’avait que 26 ans. Comme si une compensation, deux nouveaux étudiants en médecine s’ajoutent au groupe, mais aussi des étudiants de l’années terminaux de la Faculté de Lettres de l’Université Bucarest. Au surplus, quelques’uns de vieux collègues de cénacle, pour diversifier le horizon littéraire, s’inscrirent aux facultés de lettres ou de théâtre. Maintenant le siège des réunions devient celui-là de la Société des Médecins Écrivains et Publicistes de Roumanie.
Aujourd’hui le cénacle est préparé de transiter une période de maturité. Ça on produira en même temps avec le choix d’un nouveau nom du cénacle, un nom personnel et symbolique, adéquat à la dénomination officielle, un peu pas littéraire et presque désuète concernant l’hétérogénéité des membres. Quand nous trouverons un nom il sera possible l’apparition d’une page sur INTERNET, plus accessible pour les jeunes d’aujourd’hui, par laquelle nous ferons connus pour un cercle plus large de gens, nos idées et nos rêves.
Jusqu’alors, les membres du cénacle littéraire des jeunes médecins écrivains continueront avec la confiance que ni les difficultés ni l’inconstance de la vie ne peuvent pas tuer l’action créatrice quand le main qui l’accomplit sur la feuille de papier blanche est conduit par la motivation et le désir de rêver.

7) Bénédict-Augustin Morel was TeacherDoc and SpiritualDoc

In the Deutsches Ärzteblatt

Morel was born in Vienna in 1809 and became teacher first and then medical doctor (from German Wikipedia)
He was teacher in english and german (from dutch Wikipedia)
After religious studies he became student of Jean-Pierre Falret and Charles Lasègue  (from french Wikipedia)

8) Alexander Mitscherlich was HistoryDoc

from Deutsches Ärzteblatt

He had studied history and I found a statement citation of him saying the national socialists had forced him
to interrupt his studies.....

9) Antje-Kathrin Kühnemann is TV-Doc

She moderated a medical magazine for the Bavarian TV for many years and now (in fall 2007) has finished her career which had greatest success.


10) Art exhibition in medical university mensa at Homburg (Saarland)/Germany since 2000

„Kunst in der Mensa“ is taking place since 2000 at the end of the winter semester.
The medical students are presenting the creativity on the campus of the medical faculty and present about 60 students, teaching staff and other staff from the administration. In the meantime it can be regarded as a tradition which finds great interest in the public.

11) Soraya Christine Lingbeek is TranslatorDoc

Soraya Lingbeek, Internist, Psychotherapist, Medizinische Fachübersetzungen, Dolmetscheraufträge Specialized medical translations/Interpreting BDÜ, member of FIT (Association of Translators and Interpreters).
All disciplines of mainstream medicine, research, medical technology as well as naturopathic medicine, homoeopathy and psychotherapy, travel medicine and tourism.
PR- and speechwriting, workshops English for medical purposes, Health information, career and lifestyle transition, creative empowerment.
Native qualification in English and German. Near-native fluency in Dutch and Indonesian decent fluency in French
Cooperation with qualified speakers of other languages.


12) Sarah Schons is JazzPianoDoc, PetDoc, BlogDoc



Listen to

"You don't know me"

Scarlatti Sonata E K198


clicking mp3 file does not work in e-mail,
so go to web page of newsletter click here


having two beautiful labradors,
even with own homepage:



Visit her blog:


13) Erik Brandenburg is not only RallyeDoc but also FalconerDoc!

This fighting eagle is my co-pilote when I go for chase, the co-pilot seat is taken out and he is sitting in a
big wooden box filling half of the 911 .....porno, what?? kind regards

14) RallyeDoc Brandenburg making the "big hop" during the "Lausitz-Rallye"

15) NMMG orchestra travelling to Italy and giving concert in Rome November 6 and 7

Victor Wahby will moderate and conduct the biggest DoctorsOrchestra of the USA in Rome

At the St. Maria del Popolo Church on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 at 5:30 pm.
The Opening Concert of the 22nd International Choral Festival in Rome at 8:30 pm, on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at the "V. Volterra" High School Auditorium in Ciampino.

Get there!!

17) Have a look at our statistics of the month September:

Good news! Only in the last 12 months we have had 1.500.000  (ca. 1,5 MILLION) hits on DoctorsTalents.com / DoctorsHobbies.com !!!
So please continue to spread the URL www.DoctorsTalents.com (professionals!) or www.DoctorsHobbies.com (amateurs!) to all of your friends in the world!
The first pharmaceutical company has ordered a banner, the more visits we get the better it is for more coverage of our costs...!


The End (could be the beginning of more!):

Last not least: Would you all like to make a new game?
Everybody forwards EVERY newsletter to ONE single person of interest whom you know personally from the health care field.
this would cost you half a minute to duplicate the interest for this exciting field! Are you joining the "habit"???????

For your friends who get it forwarded:
Subscribe for the newsletter (FREE and monthly) and



Wolfgang E.

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