WriterDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

Is it not enough that they write scientifical books???????

The World Union of Writing Physicians since 2007 has an own web page: www.umem.net .

First of All see some (incomplete) data about the World Union of Writing Physicians (click here to see exportable Excel sheet)

We would be very pleased about any completing of these data for all the other countries.
Please do not hesitate to contact Wolfgang Ellenberger and mail your corrected file there (following the formate above please!).

Swiss Writing Physicians have a pdf-file in the web from their 2003 meeting in German, Italian and French:


"Modern Talking"? No! Modern Writing!

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Thus with half of your time you will get the double effect!

Click here to get directly on the homepage of the eBook Pro publishing software!

WriterDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

1) The dentist Katja Kessler  

courtesy of Zahnheilkunde.de
is also bestseller author of the new memoires of Dieter Bohlen ("Modern talking" pop band with Dieter Bohlen and Peter Anders) and she is dentist "Dr. med. dent.". Apart from that she writes for the BILD Zeitung Hamburg where she creates original texts for photos of naked models which are placed on EVERY issue on the first page (to rise the sales pitch!). Listen to an interview with her in TV clicking on our link to the RealMedia file.

2) Prof.Dr. Anton Neumayr from Vienna/Austria

has written a book about Music and Medicine, about the life and the illnesses of several famous composers. It is no more available at Amazon.com . There you can read several pages as sample.
But it will possibly be available soon as an eBook downloadable from DoctorsTalents.com!

WriterDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


WriterDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

Second Axel-Munthe-Symposium!

26 october 2002 "primo premio assoluto" of Literature Prize "Mario Tobino" for Italy given to Dr.med. Annamaria Habermann for her book: "L´Ultima Lettera Di Tibor", published in italian and coming close to be a bestseller...

In 12 September 2003 there is the second Axel-Munthe-Symposium: https://talentsold.doctorsdome.center///Munthe-Symposium.htm 

Georg Forster II (1754 - 1794) world traveler

sailed around the world - scientist/explorer - essayist - travel author - democrat

Portrait Georg Forster

This travelling author was confessing the Jakobiner political "cast".

Born on November 27, 1754 in Danzig as son of a priest Georg Forster was one of the great active spirits of the 18th century. With his father who explored nature, he travelled through Russia and participated at the second world travel of James Cook.

Then he accompanied Alexander von Humboldt on several journeys and arrived at Paris/France in 1790 and became an enthusiastic disciple of the French Revolution. With the military he came to Mainz/Germany and founded a club of Jakobiners and was sent to the National Assembly where he requested the integration of the left bank of the river Rhine to France.

This brought the patriotic people against him and Forster died as a poor man in Paris in 1794. He was profiled as a good travel author and still is an acknowledged creator of landscape literature in the modern lterature sciences.

There is even a Georg-Forster-Society in Kassel!

A colloquium in June 2006 in Kassel

From here you can order books written by him:

Georg Forster und sein Vater Johann  Reinhold Forster auf Tahiti

Schools are named after him:

WriterDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

The Arthur-Boskamp-foundation has a collection of German WriterDocs (and ArtDocs!)

See this Excel file (right-click and "save target as..." on your hard disk)

The British Medical Association has a phantastic link page to WriterDocs!

visit: http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/Content/LIBDoctorWriters 

The 30th edition of the Italian....

...Literature prize "Il Graffito d'Oro" ("The Golden Pencil")

The Italian Medical Association of Literature Artists (ASLAI) is opening appliance for  the 30th edition of their prize. It is reserved for Writing doctors, dentists, biologists, pharmacists and veterinarians. This year the event will be in Brescia with many writers from all over Italy.

For information ask:
ASLAI di Brescia
Phone and Fax: +39 (030) 38 30 98

Prof. Dr. Kittel

a member of the German Writer Physicians Association, wrote a Europe-hymn thought to "accompany" the
world congress of Writing Physicians in beginning of October 2002 in South Germany (Bad Säckingen).
Click here to read the Europa-Lied.

Yearly contest for writers:

A very interesting
The New Physician's
8th Annual Creative Arts Contest
done by the big magazine from the
American Medical Student Association

brings the three best photos

apart from the best art objects

and some poetry

and a short story.......

Another Medical Writer contest in Italy:

In the city of Lucca on 26th October 2002
the Literature Prize "Mario Tobino" has been given as "primo assoluto" to Dr. Annamaria Habermann,
who is presented in DoctorsTalents.com for her book "L´ultima lettera per Tibor".

It is the 3rd edition reserved to medical writers and poets, organized by the local "Ordine provinciale dei medici".
Four areas are covered: Edited stories, inedited stories as well as edited and inedited poetry.

Inscriptions at
via Colli della Farnesina 240
00194 Roma
until 30th September 2002
by mail or by e-mail: mailadm@acume.it 
60 € inscription fee must be sent to the postal banc account 56283005 or by cheque.
FUrther information can be asked from ACUME (mail or e-mail) or at the
Medical Organisation of Lucca
Via Guinigi 40
I-58100 Lucca
phone: +39 (0585) 46 72 76

The first edition of this prize has been in 1995 and the winner was the psychiatrist Valentina Supino (edited stories) and Bernardo Baratti (inedited stories) and Eraldo Garello (edited poetry).
The second edition in 1997 the general practitioner Egidio Ruggiero (edited stories), Caterina Ferraresi and Marco Mazzoli (inedited stories) and Elio Romano and Carlo Toselli ex-aequo (edited poetry) and Marcella Balducci (inedited poetry were given the prize.
In 1999 there was a special edition in the villa San Michele di Axel Munthe and the winner was the urologist Mario Alpi.

A third Italian prize from May 2002:

Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori

  XXIII Premio letterario per medici scrittori.

La Lega contro i Tumori, Sezione di Parma, in collaborazione con l’Associazione Medici Scrittori Italiani, indice per il 2002 la XXIII edizione del Premio letterario nazionale di narrativa aperto a tutti i medici che dovrebbe svolgersi entro la decade del mese di settembre.

I racconti dovranno tassativamente contemplare, sia pure nell’ambito della più ampia libertà creativa ed interpretativa, la tematica inerente ad una situazione di carattere neoplastico, non dovranno esprimere tanto passaggi medico-tecnici quanto suscitare attraverso l’originalità, il contenuto dei pensieri, l’espressione letteraria e le immagini, stati d’animo per un coinvolgimento alla lotta contro i tumori.

Al 1° classificato verrà assegnato un premio di 1500,00 Euro al 2° 1000,00 Euro e al 3° 500,00 Euro. I premi dovranno essere ritirati personalmente, altrimenti verranno annullati ed incamerati dalla Lega.

Gli elaborati non dovranno superare le otto facciate, (spazio due) e dovranno risultare inediti e mai premiati in altri concorsi, corredati delle generalità dell’autore, indirizzo e numero di telefono.

La quota di partecipazione è di 28 Euro da versare con un assegno o vaglia postale intestato a: Lega contro i Tumori, Sezione di Parma e dà diritto a partecipare personalmente e gratuitamente alla cena nella stessa serata.

Le opere concorrenti, in numero di 10 copie, dovranno essere inviate alla Lega contro i Tumori, Sezione di ParmaVia Gramsci, 14 – 43100 Parmaentro il 31 maggio 2002 (della data di spedizione farà fede il timbro postale).

Luogo e data della premiazione verranno comunicati successivamente a mezzo raccomandata a tutti i partecipanti.    

literary "cenacolo" for medical and pharmaceutical students in Romania

Cenáculo Literário na Roménia para estudantes de Medicina

read the french text, some essential details will be easy to understand:


Le cénacle a été fondé en 1999 à l’initiative d’un groupe d’étudiants de l’Université de Médecine et Pharmacie « Carol Davila » de Bucarest et sous la coordination attentionnée de l’écrivain C.D. Zeletin, le président de S.M.E.P.R., lui-même médecin et professeur de biophysique de la même université.
Petit à petit, le groupe des jeunes désireux à joindre l’art des guérisseurs avec l’art des écrivains s’est élargi, les réunions en devenant, par conséquent, plus riches et plus vivantes. Le lieu habituel des réunions c’était la bibliothèque de la Société des Étudiants de la Faculté de Médecine. L’hebdomadaire « La vie médicale » commence à publier les plus représentatifs travaux du cénacle. Quelques-uns de membres du groupe réussissent de lancer des volumes qui comprennent leur création artistique, par exemple Iulia Moldoveanu avec deux volumes de poésie et prose, « Le cirque et Agharttha » et « Le journal de la poésie », des volumes apparus en 2000, respectivement en 2002, ou Radu Andrei Hora avec la collection de pièces de théâtre « Aix, le fou » qui a apparu en 2003.
Parce que la plupart des membres du cénacle finissent la faculté et ceux-ci n’auront plus les avantages de la vie estudiantine, le vieil siège est perdu et, en conséquence, les réunions commencent d’avoir lieu dans les cafés ou dans les bars, contournées d’un air bohème. Cette situation, initialement considérée un peu désagréable et provisoire, devient rapidement un mode de manifestation soutenu par tous les membres du cénacle et finalement les réunions ont lieux alternativement, tantôt au siège officiel, tantôt dans le milieu de la vie citadine bucarestoise.
En 2004 nous sommes quittés par une collègue, quelqu’une de la plus talentueuse, Elisabeta Manta, morte d’une maladie quand elle n’avait que 26 ans. Comme si une compensation, deux nouveaux étudiants en médecine s’ajoutent au groupe, mais aussi des étudiants de l’années terminaux de la Faculté de Lettres de l’Université Bucarest. Au surplus, quelques’uns de vieux collègues de cénacle, pour diversifier le horizon littéraire, s’inscrirent aux facultés de lettres ou de théâtre. Maintenant le siège des réunions devient celui-là de la Société des Médecins Écrivains et Publicistes de Roumanie.
Aujourd’hui le cénacle est préparé de transiter une période de maturité. Ça on produira en même temps avec le choix d’un nouveau nom du cénacle, un nom personnel et symbolique, adéquat à la dénomination officielle, un peu pas littéraire et presque désuète concernant l’hétérogénéité des membres. Quand nous trouverons un nom il sera possible l’apparition d’une page sur INTERNET, plus accessible pour les jeunes d’aujourd’hui, par laquelle nous ferons connus pour un cercle plus large de gens, nos idées et nos rêves.
Jusqu’alors, les membres du cénacle littéraire des jeunes médecins écrivains continueront avec la confiance que ni les difficultés ni l’inconstance de la vie ne peuvent pas tuer l’action créatrice quand le main qui l’accomplit sur la feuille de papier blanche est conduit par la motivation et le désir de rêver.



Theme Actual Future Past Special


1) MIHAILIDE Mihail N krom Romania

http://www.vmr.ro/Mihail%20Mihailide.htm  (not yet in english)

2) The German WriterDoc Wolfgang Ellenberger

has just published a super-modern multi-medial eBook
containing a whole CD full of soundtracks and many pictures and WebLinks to related sites:

"Travel Diary Of A Concert Grand Piano"

which is a thrilling story told by the piano itself how it was
travelling as hand-luggage of the pianist for five years. A lot of backstage tricks and insider infos in it!

3) Here we present you a lady WriterDoc from Milano

Dr. Annamaria Habermann

4) Another WriterDoc from South Germany:

Renate Klöppel! You must visit her homepage. She is also a MusicDoc!

5) world-famous Swedish doctor

Axel Munthe has to mentioned as a colleague who had a lot of hobbies!
One of his books about life in the Villa San Michele is a world-bestseller and has created a 200.000 visitors to this villa on Capri, the wonderful island close to Naples.
You should visit the homepage of the Villa Munthe: http://www.sanmichele.org/indexEN.html and have fun! I was there and it is gorgeous!
The photos give you a slight idea of the magic athmosphere in this wonderful place!

Participate in the second Munthe-Symposium!

6) Here is a short story of Dr.Ulrich Ludwig

Please go to Ulrich Ludwig´s DocPresentation to read it in German or English!

Dr. Marion Uhlig from Chemnitz/Sachen in Germany,
a multi-talent eye-doctor, see DocPresentation

click on the title to get the DocPresentation!

8) Dr. Drago´s service site in italian: Dr. Leonardo Draghini

He gives a dozen of downloads of Word-documents with italian medical writers articles. Well done!

La vetrina degli artisti

9) Dr.med. Christian Schenk, romanian MD living in Germany.

The Poet DreamsChristian W Schenk 10.2000

poet, esayist, translator, honored citizen of the university town Klausenburg, born in Kronstadt/Brasov/Romania.
Medical studies and doctorate at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University of Mainz (1980-1985). Running an own office in Kastellaun/Rheinland-Pfalt.
He is chief editor of the four-language journal "Romanian Convergences/London.
Member of the romanian and german writer association, journalist and German Writing Physician Association. Member of the Hesperus Society, member of the scientific academy for art and literature, full member of ARA (American Romanian Academy of Science and Arts, USA) member of the german writers association of the Balkan Romanist Association. Editor of Cronica (Die Chronik), International notebook of poetry, Poezia (Das Gedicht). Publications in over 80 literature journals, journals, radio and TV (Romania, Germany, Hungary, Belgium, France, Austria, Switzerland, USA, Canada): Studies, essays, critics, poetry etc.

Translates lyric and prosa. Literary beginnings under the romanian author Tudor Arghezi (1959-1965) and Vasile Copilu-Cheatra (1964-1969).
Debut as literate 1969 in the journal of Kronstadt "Astra". Active member of the literary circle "Astra" 1966-1975. Over 300 publications, 19 books, anthologies, many two-language translations in book form.

Click through his homepage with many photos (and another photo-album) even if in romanian....


10) Dr. med. Manfred Lütz is priest and book author (and TV chatter)

See some links: http://www.ndrinfo.de/ndrinfo_pages_std/0,2758,OID91666_REF10,00.html 

Get his book "The blocked giant" about the catholic church on the psychiater´s bench online from an american trader:

A performance in a WDR talk show: http://www.b-trifft.de/gast.phtml?id=828#top 

showing also a little film in RealPlayer formate: http://www.b-trifft.de/gast.phtml?id=828&submit=Weiter#real 

11) Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann

creator of the world-famous "Struwwelpeter".

He gets his own presentation!

12) Marianne Koch, actress, author and medical doctor

see her own presentation

13) Viktor Weichbold Innsbruck/Austria

Funny that there are so many docs writing novels or poems... I too! As for me: I'm MD (specialized in hearing disorders), psychologist, statistician and theologist (you surely don't believe it, but it's true). - I wrote several novels, however, all of them in German. Among those published there is one dealing with a specifically medical subject: "The Dissection Course" - a kind of thriller. You can find information under: http://www.vww.at/english.htm  .

Cheers! Viktor Weichbold, Innsbruck/Austria

The Banished Monk (english readings, but available only in German)

The Dissection Course (english readings, but available only in German)

Thanks Viktor for your contribution over our Contribution-WebForm! This is the spirit of DoctorsTalents.com to share! Yours Wolfgang.

Weichbold is WriterDoc and SpiritualDoc

14) Brenda Davies a spiritual psychiatrist

Hello there, welcome to my site

SpiritualDoc, WriterDoc, PublishingDoc, BenefizDoc

She did spiritual healing already as a child. Later she became a medical doctor and psychiatrist.
Now she runs an international school for healing. 

She has written 6 books, produced several meditation CDs and is writing a stage piece now.
A project in Sambia / Africa is growing like a village.....

But my words are so poor -

Visit her homepage: http://www.brendadavies-collection.com !

A nice article in the Deutsches Ärzteblatt: http://www.aerzteblatt.de/v4/archiv/artikel.asp?id=41797 

15) Irmtraud Tarr, concert organist and writer

OrganDoc, WriterDoc

Irmtraud Tarr is an internationally active concert organist. She can be heard on many CD, radio, and television recordings, many of them on historical instruments. Her preference is for rarities off the beaten track. The Berlin Morgenpost called her "an unusually high-spirited organ artist." Since 1980, both as pianist and organist, she has played in The Duo with trumpeter Edward H. Tarr.

Irmtraud Tarr is also a psychotherapist and music therapist (Ph. D., University of Hamburg 1988) working in her own practice. She is the author of many articles and books from her various fields of interest on topics ranging from guardian angels and the magic power of attention to a modern interpretation of the Rapunzel fairy tale. Among the 18 books she has written to date, Performance Power (Summit Books, Tempe AZ, ISBN 1-887210-00-8) should be mentioned. Others have been translated from the original German into Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and even Chinese.

Irmtraud Tarr can be seen and heard on a regular basis in the media, especially in the radio and TV stations in Baden-Baden and Cologne. She is often invited to give seminars on stage fright and to lecture on diverse themes.

Since 1994, multitalent Tarr has become an enthusiastic cheese-maker and double-bass player. On October 17, 2000 in the St. Paul Cathedral, she gave the world premiere of a piece dedicated to her by Peter Schickele alias P. D. Q. Bach for double bass and organ (one person), Variations on a Theme that Somebody Threw Away, and No Wonder.

Visit her homepage: http://www.tarr-online.de/kurzinfo_irmi_en.htm 

16) Michael Crichton

did not only write novels like Jurassic parc but also directed six films!

see his presentation with resume etc.

WriterDoc  DirectorDoc

17) Hans Keilson is WriterDoc and has got the
Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Preis für literarische Kritik und Essay (2005).

(one of the great german literature prizes)


... this is Hans Keilson with thecover of his new double edition: His entire work in two  big volumes .
Listen to an interview with him: http://www.exil-archiv.de/audio/keilson/keilson.mp3

Born in Germany in 1909, he published his first novel Das Leben geht weiter (Life goes on) in 1933, shortly before his emigration to the Netherlands. In 1943 he went underground and worked as a doctor and courier for the resistance group Vrije Groepen Amsterdam. In 1948 he received his Dutch approbation as a doctor and subsequently specialised in psychiatry and psychoanalisis.

Hans Keilson's thesis, published in 1979, Sequentielle Traumatisierung bei Kindern (Sequential Traumatisation in Children), has been translated into several languages and was based on the therapeutic work he carried out on behalf of Le Ezrat HaJeled until 1970. His most recent work Sieben Sterne. Reden, Gedichte und eine Geschichte. Mit einem Nachwort von Gerhard Kurz (Seven stars. Speeches, Poems and a Story. With a postsript by Gerhard Kurz) was published in 2003. An edition of his collected works is just published and available with the renowned publishing house S. Fischer. http://www.fischerverlage.de



A german note in Wikipedia:

From www.exil-archiv.de an extract about his biography in english:
http://www.exil-archiv.de/html/biografien/keilson.htm  wiht an Audio file (interview)  and international links!

18) Rüdiger Dahlke is BestsellerDoc!

Medical doctor and bestseller author:

Dr. med. Ruediger Dahlke, born in 1951, medical doctor since 1979 with additional exams as natural healer and homeopathy, psychotherapist and doctor for fastening, giving seminars and being author. Since 1989 he has been building the institute for psychotherapy, wholistic medicine and consulting together with his wife Margit.

one of his books:

His bestseller is "Krankheiten als Spiegel der Seele" (illnesses as mirror of the soul), read an abstract in english!

VIsit his homepage: www.Dahlke.at

19) Angelika Demel is ArtDoc and WriterDoc

Yes, I would like to join the group of ArtDocs.

I am a word-art-lyric and you can see part of my works at the page of Dr. Herold,
since I am co-author of his work about internal medicine.

As well I am co-author of school books for the subject "German" and I am writing in several Doctors Magazines if I have the time for it besides my practice.....


Angelika Demel





das schweigen
die liebe
die hand
die sie


der lärm der lüfte
in meinem seelengarten

der lärm der autos
die ins leben starten

der lärm meines mundes


bin zerschellt
am zelt.
kein held
mich hielt.
hat mich
war wohl
zu gut.
geschmeckt hat
ich nicht.
ist's geworden -
die vögel
ihr's gesehen!


hell -
fast weiß -
es nicht

nude act

mon ami dans sa cocon toujours

place of prayer for all religions



Ich lebe solange, bis ich
ein Zicklein finde in deinem Bette,
bis der Schnee meinen Hunger stillt
und wie Milch schmeckt.
Ich lebe, um aus dem Krug zu trinken
der neben deiner Liebe steht
die du zu mir hattest.
Wir werden ihn gemeinsam trinken
und in unser Tal schauen,
das mit seinem Grün blendet -
wie schoen es ist -
und das uns den Wind schickt,
der in den Wäldern wütet, um
uns seine Botschaften zu hinterlassen,
die ihm die Kraniche gaben,
als wir uns noch so sehr liebten
als die Tür noch nicht
zugefallen war.
Ich lebe, weil ich
auf einem holprigen Karren liege
inmitten von Blüten, Heu und Stroh,
ganz warm und ohne Furcht
fahre ich den Weg entlang,
der Sonne,
dem Licht entgegen,
wo die Mutter auf mich wartet
die Mutter des Herzens,
mir ihre Hand reicht und mich küsst
auf den blutroten Kirschmund.

evening mood in Bavaria

mir sind die finger wund
vom schreiben

der kopf ist wund
vom denken

meine seele

hinten rechts am horizont
neben dem kleinen bär
kann man sie sehen
bei klarer sicht
mit hellem verstand.


the cover of the new book being published soon...

20) Hans Michael Schulz is WanderingDoc and WriterDoc

 courtesy of www.Aerzte-Zeitung.de :

If Hans Michael Schulz packs his back pack "the path is the goal": walking paths of pilgrims is like a read thread in the life of the ex chief doctor of Nordhorn/Germany. He walked with 30 people between 17 and 77 the path of "Birgita of Sweden" through the Mecklenburg landscape, praying, being silent or singing, even working in projects. Per day they walk distances of 20-25 km. All this began in spring 1994 when he left his hospital for half a year to walk to Santiago de Compostela - no more than 3500 km distance. He wrote his impressions down in his book "Fernwechsel" which is sold out though...  He likes it: times of walking, viewing, thinking and praying - in between interesting talks with his co-walkers.

ora et labora action: preparing old walls of monastery Tempzin

Schulz in the midst of his group in 2002 on an ecomenical pathway.

21) Imhotep is ArchitectureDoc, InventorDoc, WriterDoc and PhilosopherDoc


Imhotep (sometimes spelled Immutef, Im-hotep, or Ii-em-Hotep, Egyptian ii-m-ḥtp *jā-im-ḥatāp) (2667 BC - 2648 BC) is the first architect and physician known by name in written history. He is also possibly the source and creator of the Papyrus Scroll being its oldest known bearer. As one of the officials of the Pharaoh Djosèr he designed the Pyramid of Djzosèr (Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt around 2630-2611 BC, during the 3rd Dynasty. He may also have been responsible for the first known use of columns in architecture. The Egyptians also credited him with the discovery of many inventions. Imhotep was also a poet and philosopher. He urged contentment and preached cheerfulness. His proverbs contained a "philosophy of life." He coined the saying "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall die." His name means "the one who comes in peace."

citation from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imhotep

22) Björn Migge is CoachingDoc,
WriterDoc, SailingDoc, DivingDoc, ClimbingDoc, AikidoDoc

Björn Migge

Björn Migge has studied medicine and social and behavioural sciences, worked as university teacher at the University Hospital in Zurich/Switzerland.
He works as coach normally in the area Ostwestfalen/Lippe in Germany. He has written one of the most successful distant learning courses in Germany!

Since 2004 he is only working in coaching and training.

See his resume here: http://www.drmigge.de/bjoernmigge.htm (german) on his homepage www.DrMigge.de .

He is WriterDoc

here you see his book about theory and practise of coaching and counselling. 
Click on it for an english explanation about the book!

See at his presentation

23) Matthias Knoll is WriterDoc and ProducerDoc

Member of the "Christine Koch Gesellschaft"

born 1.7.49 in Stuttgart, childhood was in Persia.

Medical studies in Bonn.
Several semesters "Atelier für Bildende Kunst".
Member of the "Bundesverband Bildender Künstler"
Medical Degree and thesis.
Lives in Arnsberg as General Practitioner.

See about his multi-talent work in his presentation!

24) Ulisse Aldrovandi is NaturalistDoc, GardenDoc, CollectorDoc, OrnithologyDoc and WriterDoc

Ulisse Aldrovandi
Ulisse Aldrovandi
Aldrovandi was born in Bologna to a noble family, which sent him to apprentice with merchants, but he found his vocation, after studying humanities and law at the universities of Bologna and Padua and becoming a notary. Successively his interests went out to philosophy and logic which he combined with the study of medicine.

He obtained a degree in medicine and philosophy in 1553 and started teaching logic and philosophy in 1554 at the University of Bologna. In 1559 he became professor of philosophy and in 1561 he became the first professor of natural sciences at Bologna (lectura philosophiae naturalis ordinaria de fossilibus, plantis et animalibus).


Ulisse Aldrovandi, an encyclopedic naturalist began a 14-volume natural history with three volumes on birds, entitled ornithologiae hoc est de avibus historiae libri XII which was published from 1599 to 1603. Aldrovandi showed great interest in plants and animals and his works include 3000 drawings of fruits, flowers, plants and animals and they were documented in 363 volumes. His Ornithology alone covers 2000 pages and in it he covers for instance chickens and poultry techniques extensively.


See in his own presentation including all categories and pictures

25) Johannes Zeilinger is CollectorDoc and WriterDoc

He has an extraordinary complete collection of books written by the famous german poet Karl May.
May has been read by nearly every german boy! He wrote stories about the wild west and his main heroes
are Old Shatterhand a white man (whi in the stories IS Karl May travelling in the wild west) and Winnetou (the chief of
the Apache Indians). In reality though Karl May has never been to the US. (more material to come).

Title:  Autor in fabula
subtitle:  Karl Mays Psychopathologie and the meaning of medicine in his oriental cycle
Author:  Johannes Zeilinger
content:  Karl May's life and work: a unity woven between reality and phantasy, difficult to understand. The author is renewing the psychopathology of May after actual diagnosis criteria. A fascinating approach which enlarges understanding of Karl May's character and is interpreting the psychopathology as the essential factor FOR his creativity.
Examples in this book are episodes of "Kara Ben Nemsi" in the oriental area where the hero represents the dualism of Karl May's psyche, the polarity between his mythomania and depression.
publisher:  Hansa Verlag
formate:  12,5 x 19,5 cm
outfit Broschur
pages 184
number 60130
Price:  € 12,00

Title:  Karl May Imaginary Journeys
Untertitel:  An exhibition of the German Historical Museum
Curator: Dr. Johannes Zeilinger, Contact: Dr. Sabine Beneke
content Today Karl May (1842-1912) has seen the most editions of all German-language authors – and is at the same time a writer whose cultural impact far outweighs the purely literary value of his works. The popular image of the North American West and the Ottoman orient bear the stamp of May’s decisive characterizations. His travel narratives led generations of readers to distant and exotic locales without the author having any personal experience of the theaters of his narratives.
Ranging from objects from May’s private estate, to paintings, to ethnographic artifacts, the exhibition presents May’s work and personal history in the context of his time. It illuminates his rise from writer of pulp fiction to the people’s author. Karl May’s literary success was consolidated with his travel narratives. His imaginary journeys are put in the context of the traditions behind his image of the Orient and the Native Americans as well as the fascination that he exercised on his readership in the cultural and historical setting of the German Empire. In conclusion the exhibition provides an overview of the shifting history of May’s reception up to the present.
From the 16th to the 18th of November, 2007 the German Historical Museum, supported by the Karl-May-Gesellschaft e.V. and under the direction of Prof. Dr. Helmut Schmiedt, will be hosting a symposium on the work, reception and contemporary relevance of the author. (Questions can be addressed to: hschmied@uni-koblenz.de).
publisher:  DruckVerlag Kettler
authors: Sabine Beneke und Johannes Zeilinger im Auftrag des DHM
formate:  21 x 29,5 cm
outfit Hardcover
pages 360 Seiten mit 288 farbigen Abbildungen
number 60065
Price:  € 36,00


26) Gottfried Benn is WriterDoc, SpiritualDoc and PhilologyDoc

Gottfried Benn (May 2, 1886July 7, 1956) was a German essayist, novelist and expressionist poet. A doctor of medicine, he became an early admirer, and later a critic, of the National Socialist revolution. Benn had a literary influence on German verse immediately before and after the Nazi Germany

Image:Gottfried Benn by Tobias Falberg 26-11-05.JPG
Gottfried Benn ca. 1951; Zeichnung von
Tobias Falberg

He was born the son of a Lutheran pastor in Mansfeld, now part of Prignitz. He was educated in Sellin in the Neumark and Frankfurt an der Oder before studying theology at the University of Marburg and military medicine at the Kaiser Wilhelm Academy in Berlin.

Benn started as an expressionist author before World War I when he published a small collection of poems (Morgue, 1912) concerned with the physical decay of the flesh.

His poetry offers an introverted nihilism: an existentialist philosophy which sees artistic expression as the only purposeful action. In his early poems Benn used his medical experience and terminology to portray a morbid conception of humanity as another species of disease-ridden animal.John Collins (Bullock & Woodings, 1984, p.61)

Benn enlisted in 1914, spent a brief period on the Belgian front, and then served as a military doctor in Brussels. Benn attended the trial and execution of Nurse Edith Cavell. He worked as a physician in an army brothel. He then moved to Berlin and practiced as a dermatology and venereal disease specialist.

Hostile to the Weimar Republic, and rejecting Marxism and Americanism, Benn began to sympathize with the Nazis as a revolutionary force. He hoped that National Socialism would exalt his aesthetics, that Expressionism would become the official art of Germany, as Futurism had in Italy. Benn was elected to the poetry section of the Prussian Academy in 1932, and appointed head of that section in February 1933. In May he defended the new regime in a radio broadcast saying "the German workers are better off than ever before".

The cultural policy of the new State didn't turn out the way he hoped and, in June, Hans Friederich Blunck replaced Benn as head of the Academy's poetry section. Appalled by the Night of the Long Knives, Benn abandoned his support for the Nazi movement. He decided to perform "the aristocratic form of emigration" and joined the Wehrmacht in 1935 where he found many officers sympathetic to his disapproval of the régime. In May 1936 the SS magazine Das Schwarze Korps attacked his expressionist and experimental poetry as degenerate, Jewish, and homosexual. In the summer of 1937, Wolfgang Willrich, a member of the SS, lampooned Benn in his book Säuberung des Kunsttempels; Heinrich Himmler, however, stepped in to reprimand Willrich and defended Benn on the grounds of his good record since 1933 (his earlier artistic output being irrelevant). In 1938 the Reichsschrifttumskammer (the National Socialist authors' association) banned Benn from further writing.

During World War II, Benn was posted to garrisons in eastern Germany where he wrote poems and essays. After the war, his work was banned by the Allies because of his initial support for Hitler. In 1951 he won the Georg Büchner Prize.

Benn favorably reviewed Julius Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World.

He died in West Berlin in 1956, and was buried in Dahlem Waldfriedhof, Berlin.

27) Frido Mann is ConductorDoc, TheologyDoc, PsychologyDoc, WriterDoc and "RollerCoasterDoc"

His father was  a well-known musician (viola), his mother from a factory owner´s family and his grandfather german Nobel Prize winner for literature. Frido Mann, favourite grandson of Thomas Mann gives a rare impression of one of Germany´s best-known families.

Born in 1940 as child of emigrants in California he finds warmth in Thomas Mann´s family - but suffers from the fact that his "fictional alter ego" dies in Mann´s roman "Dr. Faustus" - he feels "killed" and overcomes this feeling only in later years.

He owns a czech, then US-american and at last a swiss passport, he gets a conductors diploma, becomes a thologist and psychologist - and reaches the pre-clinical exam in medicine. Therefore the title of his book is "Roller Coaster" - it is written in present time and thus involves the reader in this interesting life.

See original at http://www.aerzteblatt.de/v4/archiv/artikel.asp?src=heft&id=61005

28) Nicole Schuster is IntelliDoc, JournalistDoc, WriterDoc

She is student of pharmacology and German in Bonn and Düsseldorf and has the Asperger syndrome.
But she published books about her illness and how she lives fairly normal: "A day with savoy cabbage is a good day",
holds lectures about autism and is a requested interview partner. Apart from this she is member of the MENSA organisation

See a film of her interview on CNN

and visit her homepage: www.nicole-schuster.de

29) Taslima Nasrin is WriterDoc and PoliticDoc

Image:Taslima Nasrin.jpg

Born Nasrin Jahan Taslima to Rajab Ali and Idul Ara, Taslima Nasrin (Bengali: তসিলমা নাসরিন), also spelled Taslima Nasreen and popularly referred to as 'Taslima', her first name, rather than 'Nasreen' (born 25 August 1962 in Mymensingh, East Pakistan) is a Bengali Bangladeshi ex-physician turned feminist author who describes herself as a secular humanist.[1] From a modest literary profile in the late 1980s, she achieved a meteoric rise to global fame by the end of the twentieth century, for her criticism of Islam and of religion in general. As return to Bangladesh was not possible, Taslima settled in Calcutta, India after long stay in Paris and Stockholm. In 2007, in the teeth of social protest, the government of India kept her in confinement in an undisclosed location for several months under tight security cover. Suffocated, she decided to quit India and eventually relocated to Sweden once again. Nevertheless, she continued to urge upon the Indian government for return to India. Finally, on 08 August 2008, she again landed in India. [2] She is reported to be staying with an ex-Swedish diplomat in the suburbs of Delhi at an undisclosed location.

30) Stanislaw Lem is WriterDoc

Image:Stanisław Lem.jpg
Stanisław Lem in 1966
Image:The cyberiad.JPG
1976 US edition of
The Cyberiad
Image:Stanislaw Lem by Kubik.JPG
Lem signing in Krakow October 30th, 2005

Stanisław Lem (pronunciation  IPA[sta'ɲiswaf lɛm], September 12, 1921March 27, 2006) was a Polish science fiction, philosophical and satirical writer. His books have been translated into 41 languages and have sold over 27 million copies.[1] In 1976, Theodore Sturgeon claimed that Lem was the most widely read science-fiction writer in the world.[2]

His works explore philosophical themes; speculation on technology, the nature of intelligence, the impossibility of mutual communication and understanding, despair about human limitations and humankind's place in the universe. They are sometimes presented as fiction, but others are in the form of essays or philosophical books. Translations of his works are difficult, however Michael Kandel's translations into English have generally been praised as capturing the spirit of the original.


31) Tugsan Mogul is DirectorDoc and ActorDoc and WriterDoc


See the Trailer of his new theatre piece Halbstarke Halbgötter ["beatniks as demigods"]
with report at http://regietheater.suite101.de/article.cfm/theater_operation

His profile: http://www.filmmakers.de/filmmakers2/actor.php5?rid=ac9feece74bde651e51649e073c31a02

and TV-excerpts: http://www.filmmakers.de/filmmakers/showreel/Mogul_Tugsal/Filmmakers_Mittel.html

portrait in german TV WDR: http://www.wdr.de/mediathek/html/regional/2008/05/16/lokms_02.xml

....and last not least he is thinking about being our director for the Magic Flute of the all-docs-ensemble see www.PDO.name !

32) Christiane Mörsel-Zimmermann is PoetryDoc and CoachingDoc

Dear Mr Ellenberger,

thanks for the talk in between work..
To present myself I invite visiting my homepage www.dr-moersel.de
actually (October 2010) I am writing a book about experiences and traumata of people searching for partners online. Together with a creative consultant I invite people to post their experiences.

"Adventure online-dating. Trustworthy system or game with hope?"
Several publishers are interested.
Everybody can contribute over
by the way interesting to look around, humorous and serious side by side.

Here you get some of my poetries

Looking forward to more contact,

with kind regards

Dr. Christiane Mörsel-Zimmermann

Sehr geehrter Herr Ellenberger,

herzlichen Dank für das nette Gespräch – so zwischen Ihrer Arbeit. Ihre Seite ist wirklich sehr interessant und ich werde sie genauer studieren. Um mich näher vorzustellen, lade ich Sie auf meine Homepage www.dr-moerse-zimmermann.de ein und auf meine Zweitidentität  www.dr-moersel.de – aktuell schreibe ich  unter einem Pseudonym an einem Buch über die Erlebnisse, Schwierigkeiten und Traumatisierungen von Menschen, die sich auf dem Online-Markt nach einem Lebenspartner umsehen – hierzu lade ich gemeinsam mit einem Creative Consultant Menschen ein, ihre Erfahrungen zu posten – diese Idee ist entstanden aus eigenen Erfahrungen aber auch meiner beruflichen Arbeit  , da ich immer mehr Menschen begegne, die auf der Suche nach dem Lebensglück immer unglücklicher werden.  Dieses Buch soll heißen „Abenteuer Online-Dating- vertrauenswürdiges System oder Spiel mit der Hoffnung“ – mehrere Verlage sind interessiert.  Die Homepage auf der weitere Geschichten gesucht werden heißt www.dating-abenteuer.de  sie ist auch einfach zum Stöbern interessant und manchmal witzig und absolut seriös.

Daneben schreibe ich immer wieder Gedichte, kurze Geschichten und Impressionen. Hier tue ich Ihnen 3 Gedichte  in die Anlage.


Ich freue mich auf einen weiteren Kontakt und verbleibe

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Dr. Christiane Mörsel-Zimmermann

Ballade für einen Kollegen

Ein Kollege, freundlich und fein
Trat heut in meine Praxis ein
Er als Gutmensch und Idealist
Jetzt am System zerbrochen ist

Er ist gepfändet und ganz krank
Seit Jahren auf der Schuldner Bank,
Bei der Geschicht` mein Herz zerbarst
Mein Gott, der Mensch ist doch schlicht Arzt!

Versuchte Gutes umzusetzen,
Sich im Gespräch nicht abzuhetzen,
Gute Diagnostik zu betreiben,
Ohne IGEL-Rechnungen zu schreiben,

Er arbeitete Tag und Nacht,
Hat seit Jahren keinen Urlaub gemacht,
Dann fiel er plötzlich einfach um
1000 Patienten gucken nun dumm

Niemand der Zeit hat für ihr Leid
Der sie anzuhören ist bereit
Er selbst depressiv jetzt, antriebslos
Gesundheitssystem? Einfach famos!!

Politiker, ihr lieben Schlauen,
Lasst die Doktors in den Sack nun hauen
Lasst sie verhungern, die Kreaturen
Die einst den Eid des Hippokrates schwuren
Lasst sie krank werden oder sterben
Die Geldgier wird die Praxen erben

Unternehmer sitzen schon in den Löchern
Um die Niedergelassenen einzuäschern
Profit und Geld und Spekulation
Ja klar McDoc, ihr kommt ja schon
Und McPharm daneben sich ausbreitet
Und die Apotheken ins Grab geleitet

Wenn Patienten von Unternehmern ausgesogen
Um des Geldes Willen werden betrogen
Und die Kurse steigen wie ein Pfeil
Ja, klar, dann werden Kassen und Patienten heil
Oh wird es schön in der Republik
Wenn McDoc uns regiert mit viel Geschick

Und die Politiker, merken sie`s nicht?
Wie heimlich der Fuchs sie von hinten ersticht
Auch sie zu Sklaven des Systems nun werden,
Das sie so haben wollten auf Erden?
Sind denn alle blind geworden
Wie Lämmer in ganz großen Horden?

Ich sage "NEIN" und nochmals "NEIN"
Das kann - das darf einfach nicht sein!!!

Dr. med. Christiane Mörsel-Zimmermann

Praxis - Impression

Ach, heut knüppelt es mich nieder
Hab gehört so schwere Lieder
Ach, so traurige Geschichten
Die auch mich ein Stück vernichten
Distanz zu wahren, das ist schwer
alte Gefühle kommen her
Alte Wunden reißen auf
Steigen plötzlich hoch hinauf
Aus des tiefsten Hirnes Kammern
Aber nein, ich will nicht jammern!

Menschen, die ihr Kind verloren
Grad zum Abi auserkoren
Menschen, die ein Jahr noch leben
Mehr hat Gott ihnen nicht gegeben
Menschen, die um Kinder bangen
Die in Krankheit sind gefangen
Wissen, dass das Ende naht
Sehen sie schon aufgebahrt

Oh wie gut geht es da mir
Lieber Gott, ich danke dir.

Dr. Christiane Mörsel-Zimmermann
Elbtal 2010
Diese Werke sind einschließlich aller seiner Teile urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechts ist ohne Zustimmung des Autors unzulässig und strafbar. Dies gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen.

Heut` morgen hab ich mich erschreckt
Wurd´ durch Summen aufgeweckt
Eine Wespe wild und klein
Schien schön aufgeregt zu sein

Blödes Vieh, los, flieg schon raus
Aus meinem schönen, saubren Haus
Schubste sie mit Macht hinaus
Und sie flog durchs Fenster raus

Doch da merk ich, ach, oh weh,
Linke Wade tut schwer weh
Und mich plagt auch schon das Wissen
Dies Insekt hat mich gebissen
Und das Bein wird dick und rot
Oh, da packt mich doch die Not

Denn da fällt mir drastisch ein
Wespenstich kann tödlich sein
Für Menschen, die allergisch sind
Das Leben endet dann geschwind

Mein Doktor sagte nämlich mal:
"Wespenallergie, die ist fatal
Christiane, deshalb glaube mir
Trag Medikamente stets bei Dir
Werf sofort Cortison dann ein
Dann wirst du noch zu retten sein!"

Jahre hatte ich`s gemacht
Und dann nicht mehr dran gedacht

Oh je, Christiane, ruf den Notarzt her
Sonst sind die Folgen allzu schwer
Oh, du kriegst schon Atemnot
Und der Kopf wird auch schon rot
Wie viele Minuten werden bleiben,
um den Tod noch zu vertreiben?

Christiane, nun mal ruhig Blut
Dir geht es doch noch mäßig gut
Womöglich stirbst du noch vor Angst
Weil du um dein Leben bangst

Da fällt mein Blick nun auf ein Döschen
Winzig klein mit bunten Röschen
Ich öffne es rasch und wirklich wahr
Cortison liegt einfach da

Schnell geschluckt und viel getrunken
Bin dann in mein Bett gesunken
Erschöpft von Stich und Drama pur
Wollte einfach schlafen nur
Nachdem der Tod gebannt nun war
War ich glücklich - ist doch klar

Da weckte mich ein Stich im Bauch
Grollen, Schmerzen, Krämpfe auch
Na, wusste ich´s doch vom letzten Mal
Auch Cortison ist schlicht fatal
Schlägt auf Stimmung, Magen, Darm
Und du fühlst dich schrecklich arm
Doch Schlaf befreite mich auch hier
Schenkte schöne Stunden mir

Am Morgen wollte ich aufspringen
Und ein fröhlich Lied nun singen
Doch ein Schrei vertrieb die Lieder
Kannte Wade nicht mehr wieder
Ein heißes Elefantenbein
Nannte ich nun schmerzhaft mein
Und besehen gut bei Licht
Bis zum Knie ein roter Strich

Prima, Wespe! Super gemacht
Hast die Sache gut durchdacht
Trachtest mir wohl nach dem Leben
Hast nicht nur dein Gift gegeben
Hast mich auch noch infiziert
Willst mich töten ungeniert

Mit doppeltem Boden arbeitest du
Mann, das traut dir keiner zu
Bist du ein kleiner 007?
Für die Nation zum Mord getrieben?
Ein Agent der Gesundheitspolitik
Weil noch ungebrochen mein Genick?

Aber Wespe, ich gebe nicht auf
Leg Eis und Cortisoncreme drauf
Schluck Antibiotika in Massen
Und der Strich wird schnell verblassen
Werde weiter kämpfen, streiten
Verdammt noch mal für bessere Zeiten.

Dr. Christiane Mörsel-Zimmermann
Elbtal 10.08.2009

33) Michael Lobisch-Delija is PoetDoc

Lobisch-Delija Home

Since 1995 own poems
since 2005 publication in print media, see list: http://www.lobisch-delija.de/html/bibliographie.html


See his Special Presentation please and click this!

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