Brenda Davies, psychiatrist, publishing CDs and books about spiritual healing,
see DocPresentation below

PublishingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

The editor of is a publisher
of different kinds of things.....

But who knows other PublishingDocs out there in the world????

If you ever succeed to write a book for fun or for scientific publications,
have you never had difficulties to find a publisher?

Find here a bunch of tips to get your products published by yourself!
Or get yourself help through services of reliable partners!

Find out how to publish

In my former activity I have published books, music sheets, CompactDiscs, MusiCassettes, VHS, and even made Television Productions.
So if anyone of you would like to try something out I can only encourage you to take initiative and just do it!

Later on this page will provide much more details about publishing.

And I hope very much to find other colleagues whom I can present! Please contact me!


PublishingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

A unique book online by PublisherDoc Wolfgang Ellenberger

You cannot get a book faster and easier: order online, download right away and get your personal eBook code
in a minute - so you can start reading in a few minutes from now! Click on the picture!


Since this first eBook edition of this incredibly interesting spiritual book is in German, allow some explanation in German.
Hopefully the German/English edition will come soon and you will get the eBook and this information in english!

Seit uralten Zeiten wachen die ›Großen Eingeweihten‹ über das geistige Wissen der Menschheit.
Nur weniges ist aus den verborgenen Tempeln und den Mysterienschulen des Altertums jemals bekannt geworden.
Die großen Meister und ihre eingeweihten Schüler starben eher, als dass sie ihr Wissen verrieten.
Erst in unserer Zeit, am bevorstehenden Beginn einer neuen Epoche, durfte der Schleier gelüftet werden.
Erstmals wird in der ›Einweihung‹, dem unsterblichen Meisterwerk von Elisabeth Haich, enthüllt,
was sich wirklich im Inneren der Großen Pyramide ereignete.
Ihre in Romanform erzählten, aber authentischen Erkenntnisse gehen weit über die als große Neuigkeiten in den Medien angekündigten intellektuellen Fortschrittchen -mit Kamerafahrten durch Pyramidenschächte- der Wissenschaftler hinaus!
Dabei zeigt sich, dass in der Einweihung die Begrenzungen von Zeit und Raum fallen – was Vergangenheit war,
wird Gegenwart, und was Gegenwart ist, bleibt untrennbar von der Vergangenheit.

Ein Weisheitsbuch, das auf einzigartige Weise lange verborgene Geheimnisse enthüllt
und die unvergänglichen Gesetzmäßigkeiten des geistigen Weges offenbart.
Ein mystisch-biographischer Roman, der die spirituellen Fragen unserer Zeit beantworten kann
und eine neue Sicht des Lebens ermöglicht.
Selbst für Neulinge spiritueller Literatur leicht verständliche Ausführungen mit vielen beeindruckenden Bildern
dieses überkonfessionellen Standardwerkes.

So just order this eBook for half of the price of the paperback and click here:


PublishingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


PublishingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


PublishingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation



Theme Actual Future Past Special


1) Brenda Davies a spiritual psychiatrist

Hello there, welcome to my site

SpiritualDoc, WriterDoc, PublishingDoc, BenefizDoc

She did spiritual healing already as a child. Later she became a medical doctor and psychiatrist.
Now she runs an international school for healing. 

She has written 6 books, produced several meditation CDs and is writing a stage piece now.
A project in Sambia / Africa is growing like a village.....

But my words are so poor -

Visit her homepage: !

A nice article in the Deutsches Ärzteblatt: 

2) Carlos A. Schumacher is PublisherDoc and MortgageDoc

with family minister Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, who is medical doctor as well!

Carlos A. Schumacher when studying medicine liked to tell stories to children of his department - and they liked it absolutely. Later he went into research and founded his own pharmaceutical company. After a successful start-up he remembered his past with the children of the hospital and he decided to make such stories available to all children and he founded his "Hamburger Kinderbuch Verlag Dr. Carlos Schumacher".

article in the "Ärzte-Zeitung":

article in "Deutsches Ärzteblatt":

3) Matthias Knoll is WriterDoc and ProducerDoc

Member of the "Christine Koch Gesellschaft"

born 1.7.49 in Stuttgart, childhood was in Persia.

Medical studies in Bonn.
Several semesters "Atelier für Bildende Kunst".
Member of the "Bundesverband Bildender Künstler"
Medical Degree and thesis.
Lives in Arnsberg as General Practitioner.

See about his multi-talent work in his presentation!

Please send us your contributions about your extra-medical profession or hobby!

share your experiences with the community and send it to Wolfgang[AT]
please with photos etc. as attachment! Or fill out this simple hobby-form.

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