Silence under water.........

DivingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

Diving down in another world,
as well fascinating as sometimes dangerous.......

DivingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


DivingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


DivingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


DivingDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation



Theme Actual Future Past Special


1) Dr. med. Karl Heinz Kienle from Konstanz/Germany
is Diving Trainer

In his homepage he gives a VERY PROFOUND explanation about diving, its medical aspects and about the regulations in the German diving association and for competitions.

One of the striking explanations of the "principle of Archimedes":

Never think bad! This is a natural law!
The up-floating power of a body is equal to the quantity of water it presses away

He also shows some underwater games with excellent photos!

He is also DivingDoc, CyclingDoc, JazzDoc, CollectorDoc, his Presentation!

2) Karl-Wilhelm Fritz

Diving himself in Kuramathé / Maledive Islands
and working as doctor for divers. See his own presentation!

He is DivingDoc, ViolinDoc, CollectorDoc, PoliticDoc, BenefizDoc

3) Armin Kemmer is diving president!

See the article at the german society of diving medicine:
and meet many other colleagues as DivingDocs there.

4) Björn Migge is
CoachingDoc, WriterDoc, SailingDoc, DivingDoc, ClimbingDoc, AikidoDoc


See at his presentation

5) Jürgen Reul is IronManDoc, PoliceManDoc, DivingDoc, TennisDoc, ParaGlidingDoc, SailingDoc, SkiDoc, CyclingDoc, MotorbikeDoc and TaekWanDoDoc

endurance sport for 10 years: planned for 2007: further sports:

See in his own presentation

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