anyways, politics is a difficult field since it is about "power".
Who is stronger?
Who knows better?
Who tells the others what to do?

this man is beginning war.......!

External power versus internal power:
From PoliticDocs you should switch to SpiritualDocs!

It is a polarity and one must go with the other.

FluteDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

 The "Deutsches Ärzteblatt" has written a phantastic article about medical doctors in the "Deutscher Bundestag" (the german parliament).

See the original at (german) and wait for my presentation of more.

FluteDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

Mrs PresidentDoc Michelle Bachelet in Chile:

her blog:

thanks to Deutsches Ärzteblatt

FluteDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


FluteDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

Georg Forster II (1754 - 1794) world traveler

sailed around the world - scientist/explorer - essayist - travel author - democrat

Portrait Georg Forster

This travelling author was confessing the Jakobiner political "cast".

Born on November 27, 1754 in Danzig as son of a priest Georg Forster was one of the great active spirits of the 18th century. With his father who explored nature, he travelled through Russia and participated at the second world travel of James Cook.

Then he accompanied Alexander von Humboldt on several journeys and arrived at Paris/France in 1790 and became an enthusiastic disciple of the French Revolution. With the military he came to Mainz/Germany and founded a club of Jakobiners and was sent to the National Assembly where he requested the integration of the left bank of the river Rhine to France.

This brought the patriotic people against him and Forster died as a poor man in Paris in 1794. He was profiled as a good travel author and still is an acknowledged creator of landscape literature in the modern lterature sciences.

There is even a Georg-Forster-Society in Kassel!

A colloquium in June 2006 in Kassel

From here you can order books written by him:

Georg Forster und sein Vater Johann  Reinhold Forster auf Tahiti

Schools are named after him:

FluteDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation



Theme Actual Future Past Special


Well, the links to the Deutscher Bundestag may be broken after the next elections......!!!!!!

1) Dr. Marlies Volkmer MdB

Link to Deutscher Bundestag

Link to her personal homepage


2) Dr. Hans-Georg Faust

Link to Deutscher Bundestag

Link to personal homepage


3) Erika Ober

Link to Deutscher Bundestag

Link to personal homepage


4) Hansjörg Schäfer

Link to Deutscher Bundestag (not retrievable for me at the moment)

Link to personal homepage

5) Wolfgang Wodarg

Link to Deutscher Bundestag

Link to personal homepage


6) Helge Braun MD

Link to Deutscher Bundestag

Link to personal homepage


7) Karl-Wilhelm Fritz

has discussed political arguments for several times in TV shows with politicians,
He himself was close to become senator for health in Hamburg, but refused because the offer came from the wrong party....

Also many important papers printed his open letters with comments about the actual politicians.

Some of his letters to politicians like the Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder etc.

Prof.Fritz is DivingDoc, ViolinDoc, CollectorDoc, PoliticDoc, BenefizDoc

See his own presentation!

8) Wilhelm Olbers (1758-1840)
AstronomicDoc and Delegate of the city of Bremen

Bild:Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers.jpg

He observed the way of comets and discovered the planetoids Pallas and Vesta and became
world famous by his Olber-paradoxon.

See much more information at the homepage of the Bremen Olbers Society:  

So he is AstronomicDoc and PoliticDoc!

9) Alexander Borodin

Picture of Alexander Borodin.Picture of Alexander Borodin.

The famous russian composer and violinist was said to have been state minister in Moscow!

This article mentions some political aspects of his life: 

Visit this well-done page with a good resume and links for listening to the music!

10) Thomas Ulmer is PoliticDoc

courtesy of Deutsches Ärzteblatt, see original article

Visit his homepage: 

He is delegate of the European parliament.

11) Dr. med. Karl Addicks is member of the "Deutscher Bundestag" 

Dr. Addicks Karl

He had a very interesting resume:
1987 in Warri / Nigeria as "company doc"
1989 – 1990 in Basrah / Irak as "company doc"
1991 – 1995 in Kano / Nigeria as "company doc"
1995 – 1997 in PanZhiHua / China as "company doc"
1997 – 1999 in Ifrane / Marokko consultation for a hospital project
1999 – 2002 Telephone-Assistance travel medicine
2002 in Saarbrücken own doctors office.
since November 1st, 2004 in the Deutscher Bundestag!

 12) Dr.Monika Stolz is PoliticDoc

Foto von Ministerin Dr. Monika Stolz Dr. Monika Stolz MdL

She has been in the local and regional politic level, but from Feb 1st, 2006 she is designed as
Ministerin für Arbeit und Soziales  (Minister for work and social)
Kinderbeauftragte der Landesregierung (responsable children)
Behindertenbeauftragte der Landesregierung (responsable for handicapped people)

of the "state" Baden-Wuerttemberg. So she is just below full Germany level......

Seems to be a good choice since she is married and has 4 children and had been working in her own doctors office in Ulm (Donau).

This is her personal web page:  (temporarily under construction after her election)

This is her official portrait at the ministery of work and social:

13) Margaret Chan is "PoliticDoc" as new president of the WHO

Dr Margaret Chan
Margaret Chan (photo: WHO)

Director-General Elect: Dr Margaret Chan

Dr Margaret Chan is Director-General Elect of WHO, appointed by the World Health Assembly on 9 November 2006.
Before being appointed Director-General Elect, Dr Chan was WHO Assistant Director-General for Communicable Diseases and Representative of the Director-General for Pandemic Influenza.
Prior to joining WHO, she was Director of Health in Hong Kong. During her nine-year tenure as director, Dr Chan confronted the first human outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza in 1997 and successfully defeated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong in 2003. She also launched new services to prevent disease and promote better health.
Dr Margaret Chan, from the People's Republic of China, obtained her Medical Degree from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. She joined the Hong Kong Department of Health in 1978, where her career in public health began.
In 1994, Dr Chan was appointed as Director of Health of Hong Kong. In her nine-year tenure as director, she launched new services to prevent the spread of disease and promote better health. She also introduced new initiatives to improve communicable disease surveillance and response, enhance training for public health professionals, and to establish better local and international collaboration. She effectively managed outbreaks of avian influenza and of severe acute respiratory syndrome.
In 2003, Dr Chan joined WHO as Director of the Department for Protection of the Human Environment. In June 2005, she was appointed as Director, Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Response as well as Representative of the Director-General for Pandemic Influenza. In September 2005, she was named Assistant Director-General for the Communicable Diseases cluster.
Dr Chan was appointed to the post of Director-General on 9 November 2006. She will take up her duties on 4 January 2007, and her term will run through June 2012.


14) Ursula von der Leyen is PoliticDoc

Foto: Ursula von der Leyen, Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend

Copyright Laurence Chaperon

She is Minister for family, seniors, women and youth since November 2005

born 8. October 1958 in Brussels
now living in Sehnde/Ilten /Germany

husband: Prof. Dr. med. Heiko E. von der Leyen
children: David, Sophie, Donata, Victoria, Johanna, Egmont und Gracia

Europäische Schule in Brüssel 1964 - 1971
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium, Lehrte 1971 - 1976
Studium der Volkswirtschaft (Göttingen, Münster) 1977 - 1980
London School of Economics 1978
Studium der Medizin (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover; MHH) 1980 - 1987
Staatsexamen und Approbation 1987
Promotion 1991
Magister Public Health (M.P.H.) 2001

professional experiences:
Assistenzärztin, Frauenklinik der MHH 1988 - 1992
Aufenthalt in Stanford, Californien/USA 1992 - 1996
Auditing guest: Stanford University, Graduate School of Business 1993
Marktanalyse, Stanford Health Services Hospital Administration 1995
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Abteilung Epidemiol 1998 - 2002
Sozialmedizin und Gesundheitssystemforschung (MHH)

Political career:
CDU-member since 1990
Mitglied im Arbeitskreis Ärzte der CDU Niedersachsen 1999
Kommunalpolitische Mandate in der Region Hannover 2001 - 2004
Mitglied der CDU im Niedersächsischen Landtag seit März 2003
März 2003 bis November 2005 Niedersächsische Ministerin für Soziales, Frauen, Familie und Gesundheit
seit Dezember 2004 Mitglied des Präsidiums der CDU Deutschland
seit November 2005 Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend

15) Mathias Petersen is PoliticDoc

Dr. Mathias Petersen

Dr. Mathias Petersen is a rare typus of politician. Most of his colleagues become professional politicians early, but he is coming from sideways...
Born in Hamburg he is general practitioner with office in Hamburg-Altona. Before going to the town hall to dare about political things he is treating patients.
Only then he defines his political target: "I would like to be maire of Hamburg".

Read  in his presentation!

16) Dr. Ferdinand Peter (Buchen/Germany) is CollectorDoc and PoliticDoc

Recently he celebrated his 90th birthday in Buchen/Germany

After his practice he made a world trip with his wife and began collecting postcards. Meanwhile -after many trips- he has arrived at his 162nd album!
He says: "My most important capital is memory"

Later he joined the Hartmannbund, a medical labor union and became regional and country president vor many years. He had positions also in the professional medical official organisations.

More than that he was engaged with the youth groups of the red cross, became regional president of the DRK as the only medical doctor in such a position in Baden-WÜrttemberg. He was honoured for many years of engagement.

More details to come after a planned visit with Dr. Peter.

17) Juscelino Kubitschek was PresidentDoc - PoliticDoc

Juscelino Kubitschek
founder of Brasilia

The Kubitschek memorial
Selo isolado novo-1986
Brazil 2002. Brasilia. Birth centenary of President Juscelino Kubitschek, the founder of Brasilia, on the background of the National Congress Building, and the Metropolitan Cathedral.

Identify Coins

an artistical Memorial-photo:

Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira (JK) (September 12, 1902 August 22, 1976) was a prominent Brazilian politician who was President of Brazil from 1956 to 1961. He was born in Diamantina, Minas Gerais. His father, João César de Oliveira (1872-1905), who died when Juscelino was two years old, was a traveling salesman. Juscelino's mother, a schoolteacher named Júlia Kubitschek (1873-1971), was of Czech descent.

Although trained as a doctor, Kubitschek was elected to the Minas Gerais State Assembly in 1934. However, with the advent of Getúlio Vargas' Estado Novo in 1937, Kubitschek was forced to return to practicing medicine. Nevertheless, he was appointed mayor of Belo Horizonte in 1940.

He was again elected to the Minas Gerais State Assembly in 1945, and became governor of the state in 1950. In 1955, he ran for president with the slogan "Fifty years of progress in five", and won.

He was sworn in on January 31, 1956 as President of what was then known as the Republic of the United States of Brazil.

citation from Wikipedia, read more about him:

18) Arnd Felten is IntelliDoc, PoliticDoc and ComputerDoc

Arnd Felten

another member of MENSA and medical student in Mainz/Germany

1988 — 1992 Grundschule Zornheim
1992 — 1998 Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, Mainz
1998 — 1999 Highland High School, Pocatello, ID (USA)
1999 — 2001 Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, Mainz
2001 — 2002 Civil Service for the Rotes Kreuz Rettungsdienst Rhein-Nahe GmbH, Mainz
2002 — 2004 Study of Computational Engineering,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (no degree)
2004 — 2006 Study of Medicine,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2006 — Study of Medicine,
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

19) Carlo Levi was WriterDoc, ArtDoc and PoliticDoc


Carlo Levi (November 29, 1902 January 4, 1975) was an Italian-Jewish painter, writer, activist, anti-fascist, and doctor.

He is best known for his book, Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli), published in 1945, a memoir of his time spent in exile in Lucania, Italy, after being arrested in connection with his political activism. In 1979, the book became the basis of a movie of the same name, directed by Francesco Rosi. Lucania, now called Basilicata, is historically one of the poorest and most backward regions of the impoverished Italian south. Levi's lucid, non-ideological and sympathetic description of the daily hardships experienced by the local peasants helped to propel the "Problem of the South" into national discourse after the end of the World War II.

20) PresidentDoc Salvator Allende was PoliticDoc and StampDoc

Bild:SalvadorAllende.jpgBild:Stamp Salvador Allende.jpg

Salvador Isabelino Allende Gossens[1] (June 26, 1908 – September 11, 1973) was President of Chile from November 1970 until his death during the coup d'état of September 11, 1973.

Allende's career in Chilean government spanned nearly forty years. As a Socialist Party politician, he became a senator, deputy, cabinet minister and after failing in the 1952, 1958, and 1964 presidential elections, he was elected President in 1970. He was the first Marxist leader of a nation to gain power through democratic process.[2]




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