1) Christoph Kalbermatten is WineYardDoc

Christoph Kalbermatten from Luzern / Switzerland is WineYardDoc.

Together with his brother he grows wine.
Ask him for details and order directly: http://www.drck.ch/pindex.htm 

2) Mariko Mitsuyu is PianoDoc, WineDoc, ArchitectureDoc, TravelDoc, BookDoc

Mariko is WineDoc producing more than 30 sorts of fruit wines as Apfel, Birne, Brennessel, Brombeere, Eberesche, Gelbe Rute, Goldlack, Hagebutte, Holunder, Holunderblüte, Johannisbeere, Löwenzahn, Petersilie-Zwergvogelbeer, Pfefferminze, Preiselbeer, Quitte, Rhabarber, Rhabarber-Ingwer, Ringelblume, Salbei, Sauerkirsch, Süßkirsche, Viktoriapflaume, Waldmeister, Weinblätter, Weißdorn, Zitronenmelisse, Zwetschge!!!
Here trying its taste with her students......

See at her presentation!

3) Johannes Scholl is BaritonDoc, ThriatlonDoc, BycicleDoc, SportsDoc, WineDoc

Born in  1965 at Eltville am Rhein, grown up in the "gotical Wine Village" Kiedrich im Rheingau.
1971-1986 Member in the boys choir "Kiedricher Chorbuben"
1984 Abitur at Rheingaugymnasium Geisenheim
1984-1991 Medical studies in Frankfurt am Main with studies in Chile, England and Switzerland
1984-1991 scholarship of the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes"
1991-1992 "Arzt im Praktikum", Innere Medizin, Kreiskrankenhaus Gelnhausen
1992 Doctorate degree on "Albert Schweitzers Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben und sein Urwaldspital in Lambarene" (1993 published at Verlag Beltz-Athenäum)
January through July 1993 working at a development project of the franciscanians in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brasile
1993-1998 Specialisation in Internal Medicine at "Städtisches Krankenhaus München-Bogenhausen"
since 1995 scientifical work with prevention medicine, numerous lectures on congresses and trainings
1999-2001 working as specialist of Internal medicine at "PREVENT / Karlsruhe"
11/2000 education for "Physical Fitness Specialist" (Personal Trainer) at the Cooper Institute in Dallas/Texas, USA
July 2001 fondation of Prevention First
2002 education for nutritional medicine
2000-2002 specialisation for sport medicine
03/2004 education for "Master of Physical Fitness" (final class as trainer) at Cooper Institute in Dallas/Tx., USA
election for president of the "Deutsche Akademie für Präventivmedizin e.V."
10/2006 opening of the second office of "Prevention First in Frankfurt am Main


Scientific studies about preventive medicine and especially about "wine and health". Practical experiences in his own wine cellar ...

He is moderating wine degustations and is having a nice collection by himself.

See at his own presentation with many other photos

4) Denny Zeitlin is internationally accomplished JazzPianoDoc,
more than that also ComposerDoc, WineDoc, MountainBikeDoc, StudioDoc, FlyFishingDoc


Exploring the wine cellar of an ancient Riviera restaurant

'47 great growth claret dinner at our home - '70s

I feel very fortunate to have been able to taste so many legendary wines over the years. The ’47 Cheval Blanc is perhaps the most famous claret of the 20th century, and it has been fabulous any time I’ve been lucky enough to run into it. But on this night, the ’47 Petrus was it’s equal—two unearthly and monumental wines. La Mission Haut-Brion was not far behind, but Haut-Brion and Lafite were sorely outclassed in that fabled vintage.

See at his presentation and visit his multi-medial homepage (linked from his presentation), it is a MUST!

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share your experiences with the community and send it to Wolfgang[AT]Ellenberger.name
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