Mariko Mitsuyu is PianoDoc, WineDoc, ArchitectureDoc, TravelDoc, BookDoc

PianoDoc: piano lessons since age 5, continued during her medical studies at University of Kyoto and during her work as ophtalmologist. Working at Max-Planck-Institute Bad Nauheim from 1980. Studying piano at Frankfurt Musikhochschule from 1983 to 1988 making concert exam, then teaching there until 1995. Since 1994 teaching at Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Leipzig/Germany and being professor for correpetition since 2001. Recitals in USA, Great Britain, Japan, Slovenia, egypt and chechia. Her further activities are

Travelling to Africa: Ghana 2000, 2002; Tansania (u.a. Sansibar, Kilimandscharo 2003)

Playing soccer with friends (grown-ups and children) on saturdays in Beucha.


Mariko is WineDoc producing more than 30 sorts of fruit wines as Apfel, Birne, Brennessel, Brombeere, Eberesche, Gelbe Rute, Goldlack, Hagebutte, Holunder, Holunderblüte, Johannisbeere, Löwenzahn, Petersilie-Zwergvogelbeer, Pfefferminze, Preiselbeer, Quitte, Rhabarber, Rhabarber-Ingwer, Ringelblume, Salbei, Sauerkirsch, Süßkirsche, Viktoriapflaume, Waldmeister, Weinblätter, Weißdorn, Zitronenmelisse, Zwetschge!!!
Here trying its taste with her students......
ArchitectureDoc: renovating an old farm Dreiseithof Polenz


Reading authors and media as: Achebe, Greene, Hardy, Lodge, Rowling, Tolkien, Guardian Weekly

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