1) Family Nidecker in Basel/Switzerland created Ueli beer

Dr.med. Niklaus Nidecker, the son of the founer Hans-Jakob Nidecker

Hans-Jakob Nidecker, born in 1919 was specialized in radiology and nuclear medicine and had worked until 1984.
He was former "master" of an "Ehrengesellschaft zum Rebahus (Zunft)", founder of the brewery "Fischerstube" and also playing trumpet. Though he is 85-years-old now he is still actively participating at the breweries business processes. His hobbies are beer, music and "Zunftwesen" in Basel/Switzerland.

His son, Niklaus Nidecker, born in 1949 is General Practitioner and has an office in Erlach at the Lake Biel/Switzerland. He is married, has 2 adult daughters. His hobbies are beer, sailing and his function in the brewery is: President of the council, dealing with clients and staff. The wife of another brother (who is musician) is CEO.

Ueli-Bier http://www.uelibier.ch 

Dr.med. Andreas Nidecker is specialist for radiology in Basel, being also part of the council of the brewery.
See his presentation at EnvironmentDocs

He is also: BreweryDoc, SingingDoc, AlpHornDoc, JogDoc, BenefizDoc

2) Josef Schlömicher-Thier is BaritonDoc, BreweryDoc and TractorDoc

Josef grew up in a musical farmers family in the Steiermark/Austria. Later he was a professional beer brewer and then studied
medicine and singing in Graz. He specialized as general practitioner in Graz/Austria and Leoben/Austria.
He studied singing at the conservatory of Graz (Mag. Schmaranz) and at the music academy of Graz (Sologesang with Prof. Suttheimer and Liedgesang with Prof. Zeller). Opera Drama classes with Prof. Pöppelreiter, contracted for Don Carlos at the Graz Opera House.

Read about him and some surprise hobby at the end!



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