ClownDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

New York

Michael Christensen, one of the founders of the New York City Circus brought up the idea
of Clown Doctoring in 1986. His new project developped fastly and now the Big Apple Circus employs 60 clowns
who visit children in 16 hospitals in New York and Boston.

They always begin their visit with the question:
"May I come in?"

The mother seems to be the Big Apple Circus with its department Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit®

For example in the Yale-New Haven Hospital

to spread this marvellous idea contact them directly,l please!

ClownDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation

So far they are working in the following centers in Germany:

Dr.Horst-Schmidt-Kinderklinik, Wiesbaden
(seit Oktober 1993)



Kinderklinik der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt
(seit Mai 1995)



Universitäts-Kinderklinik, Mainz
(seit Oktober 1996)



Kinderklinik der Städtischen Kliniken Offenbach
(seit September 1998)



Stadtkrankenhaus Rüsselsheim
(seit November 1999)    



Clementine Kinderhospital Frankfurt
(seit September 2000)    



Darmstädter Kinderkliniken Prinzessin Margaret
(seit September 2000)    



Justus-Liebig-Universitäts-Klinik Gießen
(seit April 2001)    



ClownDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


ClownDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation


In 1993 one  of these ClownDocs, Laura Fernandez, came to Germany and founded the "Clown Doktoren e.V." in 1994.

who treat children with smiling.

In 1999 there are already 17 ClownDocs working in the Rhine-Main-area.

In Wiesbaden the Dr.-Horst-Schmidt-Klinik with their medical director of the children´s department Michael Albani were the first
to start in Germany.


ClownDocs: Theme Actual Future Past Special DocPresentation



Theme Actual Future Past Special


1) Patch Adams is ClownDoc and much more

photo of Patch with a huge smile and wearing a brightly colored shirt
Dr. Patch Adams

Extraordinary! One man I can look up to and respect, Incredibly, mind blowing and memorable, and Incredibly inspiring, amazing human being, invaluable to hear him first hand …are among the words heard from participants’ after experiencing Patch Adams, the real person behind the hit movie Patch Adams, starring Robin Williams.

Patch is both a medical doctor and a clown…but he is also a social activist who has devoted 30 years to changing America's healthcare system, a system which he describes as expensive and elitist.

He believes that laughter, joy and creativity are an integral part of the healing process and therefore true health care must incorporate such life. Doctors and patients in his model relate to each other on the basis of mutual trust, and patients receive plenty of time from their doctors. Allopathic doctors and practitioners of alternative medicine will work side by side. If you think that all sounds like a utopian impossibility, it isn't. Patch and his colleagues practiced medicine at the Gesundheit Institute together in West Virgina that way for 12 years in what he calls their pilot project. They saw 15,000 patients. Patch Adams has devoted his life to the study of what makes people happy.

Through the success of this program at the Arlington, Virginia location, a model health care facility is being planned on 310 acres purchased in Pocahontas County, WV. The Institute will include a 40-bed hospital, a theater, arts and crafts shops, horticulture and vocational therapy. Over five years ago, Dr. Adams and staff temporarily stopped seeing patients so that they could coordinate plans for raising $5 Million needed for the Institute's permanent and expanded home, a model health care community. Currently planned is an immediate phase of this dream, a $400,000 WV facility so that their medical service to patients can resume within the next two years.

The Institute addresses, by action, four major issues in health care delivery: the rising cost of care, dehumanization of medicine, malpractice suits, and abuses of third-party insurance system.

Dr. Adams adds to his training as a physician, his experience as a street clown. In working with health and mental health professionals, he explores the relationship between humor and therapy using his unique blend of knowledge, showmanship and hands on teaching techniques. Says Dr. Adams, I interpret my experience in life as being happy. I want, as a doctor, to say it does matter to your health to be happy. It may be the most important health factor in your life.

Patch Adams, M.D., is a nationally known speaker on wellness, laughter, and humor as well as on health care and health care systems. He approaches the issues of personal, community, and global health with zestful exuberance, according to Time Magazine. Dr. Adams believes that the most revolutionary act one can commit in our world is to be happy. 

more ClownDocs from his team.....!

+ SingingDocs Glick and Philipps

Bowen White M.D.


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