Samuel Heinrich Schwabe is AstronomyDoc and much more

Germany, Dessau, pharmacist, astronomy, botanic, meteorologist

Samuel Heinrich Schwabe was born as the eldest of 11 children of a doctors family in Dessau/Germany. His father was doctor of the Duke, his mother daughter of the local pharmacist.

At age 7 he came to school (Dessauer Hauptschule) where he got to know philantrophism and humanism, being supported by Leopold III. Friedrich Franz, Fürst von Anhalt-Dessau. From 1809 he studied at the "königlich-preußischen Universität in Berlin".

After his father died he returned to Dessau and continued the pharmacy of his father to feed the family.

After some heavy times Schwabe followed his interest in botanic and astronomic knowledge more intensively. In 1825 he won his first telescope in a lottery, began to document some observations and in the same year got a better telescope from the well-known physicist Joseph von Frauenhofer.

In 1829 he sold the house he inherited including the pharmacy and bought the corner house in Johannisstraße 18, which is still the today.

From the observatory under the roof he made intensive astronomical observations for over 43 years and documented them precisely. AMong other things he discovered the periodicity of the sun eruptions (every 11 years) and is well-known among astonomists world-wide with this.

He published his findings in the "Astronomical News" so Alexander von Humboldt visited his observatory. Through Humwith whom he had a boldt Schwabe became teacher of the dukes children, where he met his wife whom he marrie din 1841. Her brother brought him together with Professor Encke (direktor of the  Berlin Observatory and well-known astronome) with whom he had an intensive dialogue over a long time.

Besides his astronomical studies he made botanical research and published this in the unique work (two volumes) „Flora Anhaltina“. HIs herbarium still contains 3350 plants which he found on his international journeys and from the Dessau parks. The herbarium is in the Dessau museum now.
Schabe's regular publication of metereological observations in the "Anhaltischen Staatsanzeiger" are another prof for his precise and continuous work on scientific field. He was one of the founders of the natural historic association Dessau about 1840.

The "Schwabeverein" of the local "high school" has a very nice web page presenting Schwabe.

  He presented his opinions in a difficult time politically speaking as deputee of the burgois fraction in Dessau, he was protocollist in the city assembly and had diverse functions. His book „Politische Begebenheiten meines Lebens“ is still an impressive testimonial about the political opinions of Schwabe's time.

Despite heavy podagra he supported his family. after only 14 years of matrimony his wife Amalie died.

He was honoured with the title "Hofrat" and by the order of "Albrecht des Bären". He was honour member of several scientific associations and member of the „Royal Astronomical Society“ in London. From there he got the highest honour with the "big golden medal" which was handed out to him by the famous sun scientist Richard C. Carrington in Dessau. Schwabe gave his records to the Society and his machines to the "Dessauer Herzoglichen Gymnasium" for a little rent.

Still at age 79 he worked about geology and began a mineral collection.

He died at April 11, 1875 and his grave is on the historical cimetery of Dessau/Germany.

The Schwabe-Haus is an active association with many interesting functions: Web site of the Schwabe-house:

See article in Deutsches Ärzteblatt: