Hello DoctorsTalents-friends!

here is your newsletter of January 2012 - FINALLY!

In the meantime I have moved to Switzerland and work here now.
I had trouble getting my mailing software installed, it did not work on the notebook any more, but now it does on an old
Computer (it would NOT run on a modern one).

So enjoy our first newsletter and dive into the activities of Docs world-wide!

Tell it to all of your friends an make the traffic on our web site increase!


1a) Click on my new years 20-second-message for YOUR and OUR prosperous new year

Tired of health care earning problems?? Get your additional gold mine and check this:

(in German)

in english click HERE: http://1303327.talkfusion.com

and then choose

1b) Still places available for the second PianoDoc MasterClass
arranged for participants from world-wide by the Bösendorfer Company in Vienna

click on the picture to listen to your colleagues!

The first class was a big success! It was an overwhelming week-end in Vienna full of
"The Sound Which Touches..." and full cultural experiences in a capitol of culture, Vienna!
We had participants from USA, Finland, Germany.

See details and sign in for our
next course -open to any skill level!- February 9 thru 12 in Vienna:

english: http://www.boesendorfer.com/en/docs.html

german: http://www.boesendorfer.com/de/docs.htmletta

Everybody gets a single lesson on Friday, Saturday AND Sunday adapted to his/her level (even total beginner possible).
An unforgettable experience - DANGER - it may cause an addiction to these courses as seen in the years
1991 to 2000:

2) Thomas Konzmann is DoubleBass-JazzDoc

For years and years he is playing in this band now

The band has been founded at school in 1956 and the Band is the second oldest music group in Augsburg/Germany
(near Munich/Bavaria). They play Swing, Jazz, music from Kid Ory and Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman.



3) Erasmus Darwin is PoetryDoc
(his grandson was Charles Darwin whom we know)

File:Portrait of Erasmus Darwin by Joseph Wright of Derby (1792).jpg

Erasmus Darwinicia (12 December 1731 – 18 April 1802) was an English physician who turned down George III's invitation to be a physician to the King. One of the key thinkers of the Midlands Enlightenment, he was also a natural philosopher, physiologist, slave trade abolitionist,[1] inventor and poet. His poems included much natural history, including a statement of evolution and the relatedness of all forms of life. He was a member of the Darwin–Wedgwood family, which includes his grandsons Charles Darwin and Francis Galton. Darwin was also a founding member of the Lunar Society of Birmingham, a discussion group of pioneering industrialists and natural philosophers.

Erasmus Darwin House, his home in Lichfield, is now a museum dedicated to Erasmus Darwin and his life's work.

See full article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasmus_Darwin

in German - auf Deutsch: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasmus_Darwin
Dichter, Naturwissenschaftler, Arzt

4) Finnish Multi-TalentDoc mainly composer....Antti Hernesniemi

Dear Wolfgang !

I just read about your website DoctorsTalents. I saw your playing. Very good !
I am musician too. I'm a composer and dr of medicinal science.
At the moment I - in my "new life" (born 1950) - study musicology in Turku.
I play piano and sing Lieder and other songs too.
I have composed my first CD which is recently presented and reviewed in Fanfare Nov / Dec 2011 : "compositions 1 - sävellyksiä 1".

Please look at :
Interview: http://www.fanfaremag.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46553

I would be interested to be in contact with your doctor talents musician group.
With best regards

Antti Hernesniemi
Dr Med Sci
Master-line Student in musicology
Åbo Akademi University

5) Helmut Hofmann is CollectorDoc and has his own
Maybach-Museum and other historical Cars

It is located in Neumarkt/Oberpfalz/Germany and open to the public.
See web site: http://automuseum-maybach.de

6) Joachim Gardemann is AstronomyDoc and ArtDoc

Joachim Gardemann, born 1955, is a medical doctor (1983), consultant in paediatrics (1989) and public health medicine (1993) and holds a master´s degree in public health (1994).


Joachim Gardemann is a passionate hobby astronomer and a watercolour illustrator in his international Red Cross missions.





Sri Lanka

His Red Cross working experience as health delegate, health coordinator, paediatrician and senior medical officer with IFRC or ICRC is covering emergency missions in Tanzania (1995 and 1998), Macedonia (1999), Iran (2003), Sudan (2004), Sri Lanka (2005), the Peoples Republic of China (2008) and Haiti (2010), additionally he has teaching and research experiences in Serbia (2002), Macedonia (2003), Mongolia (2002) and Ethiopia (2007).


7) Special World Record SwimDoc Roger Alsopp

7) Special World Record SwimDoc Roger Alsopp


Roger Alsopp, a retired surgeon from Guernsey Island in the British Channel is the oldest man who ever swam the

See another film about is training: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjvzk830kUk&feature=related

and an article in the German medical magazine Aerztezeitung":

8) Michael Nehls is extreme BicycleDoc and did the RAAM
(Race Across America with 3.000 miles!)

You don´t need to be champion to be "winner". His DVD

See the english part of his homepage: http://www.michael-nehls.de/english-mental-enterprises.htm where you can order his DVD in english.

GERMAN text:
Ein Mann, ein Rad, 4800 Kilometer und nur ein paar Tage Zeit: Das Race Across America gilt als härtestes Radrennen der Welt. Die Fahrer kämpfen auf dem Höllenritt zwischen Pazifik und Atlantik mit Hitze und Kälte, Übermüdung und Konzentrationsmangel. Der Südbadener Michael Nehls (48) hat jetzt einen Film darüber gedreht. Der trägt den Titel „Du musst nicht siegen, um zu gewinnen“ – der knapp 100-minütige Streifen ist nicht nur eine Sportdokumentation, sondern auch ein Film für die ganze Familie.

Nehls kennt sich aus mit der Materie: Der studierte Mediziner und ehemalige Manager fuhr das Rennen zum zweiten Mal. Im Jahr 2008 legte er die 4800 Kilometer zwischen Oceanside und Annapolis in 10 Tagen, 22 Stunden und 56 Minuten zurück und stellte dabei einen Rekord auf - als Fahrer mit den meisten und längsten Pausen. Nehls verbrachte fast jede Nacht im Hotel und kam am Ende auf 91 Stunden Rennunterbrechung, während viele seiner Konkurrenten auf täglich weniger als zwei Stunden Schlaf kamen. Die nächtliche Regeneration erlaubte ihm jedoch auch schneller zu fahren.

Da er mit seiner Rennstrategie das Leiden verhinderte, hatte er den Mythos des Rennens ein bisschen entzaubert. Zwei Jahre später kehrte er zurück. Sein Ziel: Die Strategie zu perfektionieren und einen Film zu drehen, der das Race Across America nicht nur auf tolle Landschaftsaufnahmen und den Kampf gegen den inneren Schweinehund reduziert, sondern als Metapher fürs ganze Leben versteht. Die Frage: Was bewegt uns? bewegte ihn dazu. Und weil Nehls ein Familienmensch ist, flog er nicht alleine in die USA: Frau und Kinder begleiteten ihn. Gattin Sabine kümmerte sich um die Ernährung, die mittlere Tochter Sarah brachte ihr Know-How als angehende Physiotherapeutin ein. Sebastian und Nadja Nehls wiederum belegten Filmkurse an der Volkshochschule – die Bilder des Filmes stammen von ihnen.

Die Kamera ist hautnah dabei, bei den Vorbereitungen und dem Rennen selbst. Die Kinder filmten ihren Vater nicht nur beim Radfahren, sondern auch beim Essen, bei seinen Massagen, bei Gesprächen mit dem Team. Michael Nehls selbst reflektiert – mal im Interview, mal im Off-Text – über das, was ihm während seiner Mammut-Touren durch die grandiosen Landschaften Nordamerikas alles durch den Kopf ging, was ihn bewegte, im wörtlichen wie im übertragenen Sinn. Der Film versucht auch, die Gruppendynamik im Team zu erfassen – es hat fast schon etwas von Big Brother, wenn sich zwei alte Jugendfreunde von Nehls immer wieder aufziehen, während sie mit dem Team-Wohnmobil über die amerikanischen Landstraßen pilotieren.

Es gibt pathetischere, dramatischere Radsportfilme. Dokumentationen, in denen mehr gelitten wird auf dem Sattel. Michael Nehls hat einen Film gedreht, der bei allem Tiefgang doch sehr leichtfüßig daherkommt: Das Race Across America mag das härteste Radrennen der Welt sein – aber mit der richtigen Strategie, den richtigen Motiven und einer großen Brise Humor, kann Radsport auch ohne Leiden und medizinische Hilfsmittel begeistern.

DVD erhältlich unter www.michael-nehls.de

His German homepage: www.michael-nehls.de



courtesyof the AAOS American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons




Booker T. Wright, MD

Patients who find the courage to meet the challenge of a devastating illness or injury inspire Dr. Booker T. Wright. So too do the service, commitment and bravery of soldiers. Recently retired from his orthopaedic practice, which included two years active duty in the U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, Wright now has more time to explore his experiences through drawing and painting. He has found art and medicine inform each other. “My experiences with human anatomy and function have provided me with deep appreciation of the human form, which translates into most of my artistic endeavors,” says Dr. Wright. “Often, I will exaggerate muscle definition or size to convey a feeling of power, or movement, or action.”


After the Attack - 36 x 40 x 1.5 in. - Oil on Linen Canvas

The early intervention of well-equipped medical teams and rapid transport to trauma centers has improved the ability of orthopaedic surgeons to save lives and limbs, says Dr. Wright. In this painting, a wounded civilian receives treatment from an army medical team while awaiting air evacuation.

James Ficke is ArtDoc


Efforts to save lives in combat situations are always a team effort. In that spirit, Dr. James Ficke and his daughter Heather Ficke worked together to create a piece of art commemorating such efforts. The basis for their work was a photograph Dr. Ficke took while serving as the senior medical officer in a Combat Support Hospital in Iraq. Heather, who at the time of his deployment was a high school student, sketched a drawing based on that image. She has since gone on to college at the University of Texas at Austin, while Dr. Ficke has become chairman of orthopaedics and rehabilitation at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. Although his time away was challenging for his family, Dr. Ficke says he has “never had a more tangible sense of impact, nor treated a more deserving group of patients.”

Bring Me Your Injured - 9 x 12 in. - Colored Pencil Drawing

This colored drawing, created from a photograph taken on March 10, 2005, captures one of 19 mass casualty events that brought patients to Dr. Ficke’s Combat Support Hospital. At the center of the image, the hospital’s obstetrician, a diminutive, soft-spoken woman, asserts herself and captures the attention of ambulances and patients who arrived after a suicide bomber destroyed a mosque in Mosul, Iraq, killing many people and leaving 92 survivors. The physician is surrounded by members of the medical team, who helped register patients, take vital signs and perform triage for the arriving patients, most of whom were suffering from open blast wounds. Not until hours later, when his medical supply officer reminded him, did Dr. Ficke recall that it was his birthday.


More ArtDocs from this exhibition: http://www.woundedinactionart.org/find.php see all artists with "MD".

This was it for ths time!

Looking forward to your feed-back and new contributions from everywhere!

You may forward this newsletter to anybody to spread the news about our platform.

Visit our multi-medial platform www.youtube.com/DoctorsTalents

and watch more than 200 movies of Docs.


Wolfgang Ellenberger
NOW in Switzerland

concert pianist and medical doctor
Bahnhofstraße 1
CH-6078 Lungern

phone: +41 (41) 535 10 55
phone work: +41 (33) 972 - 8263

cell: +41 (76) 568 47 77
cell for DE: +49 (160) 413 40 44