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1) Tugsan Mogul is professional DirectorDoc and ActorDoc and ScriptWriterDoc

See the Trailer of his new piece Halbstarke Halbgötter ["beatniks - demigods"]- Theater Operation
with report at http://regietheater.suite101.de/article.cfm/theater_operation

His professional profile: http://www.filmmakers.de/filmmakers2/actor.php5?rid=ac9feece74bde651e51649e073c31a02

and TV-excerpts: http://www.filmmakers.de/filmmakers/showreel/Mogul_Tugsal/Filmmakers_Mittel.html

portrait in german TV WDR: http://www.wdr.de/mediathek/html/regional/2008/05/16/lokms_02.xml

....and lst not least he is thinking about being our director for the Magic Flute of the all-docs-ensemble see www.PDO.name !

2) Virginia Marginean YogaDoc is giving a FREE online Yoga class - participate!

You are cordially invited to attend an exciting FREE live webinar that will enlighten you upon the aspects of yoga beyond the body poses (asanas) and the successful teaching methods of our Traditional Yoga Academy USA – especially the online yoga course.

Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

Important Note: This presentation takes place via the internet. Please go to the registration form in order for you to receive the URL to join the conference.



I Presentation (60 min):
Yoga Beyond Asanas – A Free Live Webinar

   1. Science of Yoga
   2. Yoga Art
   3. Everyday Yoga

II Yoga Techniques(50 min):

   1. Relaxation Techniques
   2. Blessings
   3. Music Meditations

III Questions & Answers

IV Preview of an Online Yoga Class

V Testimonials

For the registration form and details on the event please copy and paste in your browser the following link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/632903875

For the music download for the meditations please go to the next link: http://yes.dreamhosters.com/mp3/confe/

For the system requirements please check the following link: http://www.usyoga.net/workshops-events.php?workshop=19

Don’t let this amazing opportunity pass you by!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Virginia Marginean, M.D
Traditional Yoga Academy

3) Karl Jaspers was PhilosopherDoc


Jaspers was born in Oldenburg in 1883 to a mother from a local farming community, and a jurist father. He showed an early interest in philosophy, but his father's experience with the legal system undoubtedly influenced his decision to study law at university. It soon became clear that Jaspers did not particularly enjoy law, and he switched to studying medicine in 1902.

Jaspers graduated from medical school in 1909 and began work at a psychiatric hospital in Heidelberg where Emil Kraepelin had worked some years earlier. Jaspers became dissatisfied with the way the medical community of the time approached the study of mental illness and set himself the task of improving the psychiatric approach. In 1913 Jaspers gained a temporary post as a psychology teacher at Heidelberg University. The post later became permanent, and Jaspers never returned to clinical practice.

At the age of 40 Jaspers turned from psychology to philosophy, expanding on themes he had developed in his psychiatric works. He became a renowned philosopher, well respected in Germany and Europe. In 1948 Jaspers moved to the University of Basel in Switzerland. He remained prominent in the philosophical community until his death in Basel in 1969.

more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Jaspers

4) Friedrich Wolf was ScriptWriterDoc, PhilosopherDoc and ArtHistoryDoc

Image:Wolf friedrich.jpg

Wolf was born in Neuwied (Rhine Province), the son of a Jewish merchant.

From 1907 until 1912 he studied medicine, philosophy and art history in Munich, Tübingen, Bonn, and Berlin and became a doctor in 1913. In 1914 he worked first as a ship's doctor on the route between Canada, Greenland and the United States, and then in the same year became a field doctor on the Western Front in World War I; this experience made him a strong opponent of war. In 1917 he published his first prose pieces.

In 1918 he became a member of the Workers Council in Dresden and joined the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany. After the war he worked as a doctor in Remscheid and Hechingen, where he focused on care for common people and prescribed treatment using naturopathic medicine. In 1923 and 1925 his sons Markus und Konrad were born. After 1928 he became a member of the Communist Party and the Group of Proletariat-Revolutionary Writers. In 1929 his drama "Cyankali" sparked a debate about abortion, and he was briefly arrested and charged for performing abortions.

In early 1932 he founded the Spieltrupp Südwest in Stuttgart, a communist agitprop group of lay actors that created controversial pieces about current topics.

After the Nazis came to power, Wolf emigrated with his family to Moscow. In 1938 he made his way to Spain to work as a doctor in the International Brigades. However, he was arrested in France and interned in the concentration camp Le Vernet. In 1941 he gained Soviet citizenship and returned to Moscow where he became a founder of the Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland (National Committee for a Free Germany).

In 1945 he returned to Germany and was active in literary and cultural-political issues. From 1949 to 1951 he was the first ambassador of East Germany to Poland. On October 5, 1953, he died in his personal office in Lehnitz.


work list:
1917 "Mohammed"(Drama), "Langemarck" (Erzählung)
1919 "Das bist du" (Drama), "Der Unbedingte" (Drama)
1921 "Die Schwarze Sonne" (Drama)
1922 "Tamar" (Drama)
1923 "Die Schrankkomödie" (Drama), "Der Arme Konrad". (Drama)
1924 "Das Heldenepos des alten Bundes" (jüdisches Volksepos)
1925 "Kreatur"(Roman)
1926 "Kolonne Hund" (Drama), "Äther" (Hörspiel)
1927 "Die Natur als Arzt und Helfer", "Koritke" (Drama), "Der Kampf im Kohlenpott" (Novelle)
1929 "Cyankali" (Drama)
1930 "Die Matrosen von Cattaro" (Drama), "Tai Yang erwacht" (Drama)
1933 "Professor Mamlock" (Drama)
1934 "Floridsdorf" (Drama)
1935 "Das trojanische Pferd" (Drama)
1938 "Zwei an der Grenze" (Roman)
1940 "Beaumarchais" (Drama)
1942 "Der Russenpelz" (Novelle)
1944 "Heimkehr der Söhne" (Roman), "Dr. Lilli Wanner" (Drama)
1945 "Was der Mensch säet" (Drama)
1946 "Die letzte Probe" (Drama), "Märchen für große und kleine Kinder"
1947 "Wie Tiere des Waldes" (Drama)
1949 "Der Rat der Götter" (Filmszenarium), "Bürgermeister Anna" (Komödie)
1952 "Menetekel" (Roman), "Thomas Müntzer" (Drama, Filmexpose)
(source: http://www.netzwelt.de/lexikon/Friedrich_Wolf.html )

5) Sebastian Kneipp was PriestDoc and StampDoc

Sebastian Kneipp

Pfarrer Kneipp bei einem Vortrag in Wörishofen
priest Kneipp lecturing
Bad Worishofen 1895

Image:DBP 1953 174 Kneipp.jpg

In 1890 Sebastian Kneipp met the Würzburg apothecary, Leonhard Oberhäußer. They became close partners and good friends through their shared conviction of doing good using naturopathic medicine and healing remedies. Using natural plant essences and other pure ingredients as a base, they created the formulas that still to this day constitute the basis for Kneipp’s products.

After carrying out the first very successful tests on natural remedies together in 1891, Sebastian Kneipp entrusted his friend and fellow apothecary with the legacy of his lifelong studies and granted him the exclusive rights to develop, produce and sell pharmaceutical, cosmetic as well as dietary products “under the name and with the image of Father Sebastian Kneipp.” These contracts formed the basis of the Kneipp Group of today that has been producing high-quality pharmaceutical, dietary and body care and bath products under the Kneipp brand name for generations. The company continues its commitment to the holistic legacy of its co-founder and eponym.

Against several fines against his unauthorised healing practises he became more and more succesful with many people coming to Bad Wörishofen.

6) Dentist Wieland Schinnenburg is AdvocateDoc, MediatorDoc, PoliticDoc


7) New category: StampDocs

docs on stamps, on bank notes, on coins

Image:DBP 1953 174 Kneipp.jpg Sebastian Kneipp
was PriestDoc and StampDoc
PresidentDoc Salvator Allende
was PoliticDoc and StampDoc
Image:USSR stamp Salvador Allende 1973 6k.jpg  

Juscelino Kubitschek was PresidentDoc - PoliticDoc - StampDoc
Louis Pasteur on a 5 Franc note from France

7) PresidentDoc Slvator Allende was PoliticDoc and StampDoc

Bild:SalvadorAllende.jpgBild:Stamp Salvador Allende.jpg

Salvador Isabelino Allende Gossens[1] (June 26, 1908 – September 11, 1973) was President of Chile from November 1970 until his death during the coup d'état of September 11, 1973.

Allende's career in Chilean government spanned nearly forty years. As a Socialist Party politician, he became a senator, deputy, cabinet minister and after failing in the 1952, 1958, and 1964 presidential elections, he was elected President in 1970. He was the first Marxist leader of a nation to gain power through democratic process.[2]

english: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador_Allende

german: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador_Allende

8) ReikiDoc Patrick Bauer SpiritualDoc with cosmic power


9) Have fun with THIS version of Beethovens 5th symphony:


10) George Depastas is TranslatorDoc and TheatreDoc

In 2006 he translated the Libretto Magic Flute to greek and it was performed at Athens concert hall.
He has studied medicine in Vienna/Austria that makes it easy for him....
Hopefully we get more information about hs interesting extra-medical professional career, now he works at the
National Theatre of Greece.

11) Thomas Stephanides is ComposerDoc, BaritonDoc

as a general practitioner and psycho therapist he makes compositions (also for healing purposes) and has a bariton voice.

Dr.Thomas Stephanides
Hofmark 73
A-5622 Goldegg-Hofmark
Telefon: +43 (6415) 8889


12) Ewald Pollheimer is SingingDoc and ViolinDoc

an ex singer of the vienna boys choir and violinist, more to come

+43 (1) 526 47 79

+43 (699) 120 74327


13) Michael Sauer is ParalympicsDoc

Paralympics 2008 in China, Michael Sauer is in the german rowing team. They have chances after being world champion 2007 in the coxed fours to get a medal.

After a motorcycle accident at age 18 his right lower leg had to be amputated.

„So langsam kommt ein Kribbeln auf“, sagt Dr. med. Michael Sauer (50). Nur noch wenige Tage und der Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie wird sich zu den Paralympics nach China aufmachen. Dort
tritt er mit seinem Team im Handicap-Rudern an. „Es ist ein positives Kribbeln“, ergänzt er. Allerdings gehen Sauer und seine Bootskollegen mit hohen Erwartungen ins Rennen: 2007 wurden sie Weltmeister
im gesteuerten Vierer. Und so gelten sie in Peking als Medaillenanwärter.
„Es ist ein faszinierendes Gefühl, die Qualifikation geschafft zu haben“, berichtet der niedergelassene Arzt aus Speyer. Doch für ihn ist die Teilnahme an den Paralympics weit mehr als ein
Sportereignis: Nach einem Motorradunfall im Alter von 18 Jahren musste ihm der rechte Unterschenkel amputiert werden. Nun will er anderen Betroffenen Mut machen, denn: „Viele haben nach einer Amputation
Motivationsprobleme.“ Sauers Einsatz zeigt: Sportlicher Erfolg ist trotzdem möglich – auch mit Behinderung und zudem bei starker beruflicher Belastung. Außerdem ist der Orthopäde mit Abstand der Älteste
in dem Handicap-Vierer. Seine Teamkollegen sind allesamt unter 30. „Ich bin sozusagen der Boots-Opa“, sagt Sauer mit einem Augenzwinkern. Zwei Männer und zwei Frauen rudern den Vierer. Ihre Handicaps
sind unterschiedlich: Dabei sind zum Beispiel eine Sehbehinderte und ein Sportler mit Teillähmungen des linkes Arms und Beins.
Ein wichtiges Anliegen Sauers ist es, Nachwuchs für das Handicap-Rudern zu gewinnen. Interessierte finden im Internet Informationen unter www.rudern.de. Birgit Hibbeler

see original article in "Deutsches Ärzteblatt": http://www.aerzteblatt.de/v4/archiv/artikel.asp?src=suche&id=61365
His profile at www.rudern.de : http://www.rudern.de/Team-2008.1314.0.html?&nathid=587&no_cache=1
His homepage: www.sauer-orthopaede.de

14) Petra Dallmann is SwimDoc and OlympicDoc

oficial photo

before the start under water free-style world vice champions 4x200 m free style

her successes (just a part of more...):

2007 3. Platz in 4x200m Freistil und 4. Platz in 4x100m Freistil bei Weltmeisterschaften in Melbourne
2006 1. Platz in 4x200m Freistil und 4x100m Freistil bei Europameisterschaften in Budapest
2005 3. Platz in 100m Freistil und in 4x50m Freistil bei Europameisterschaften in Triest
  1. Platz in 200m Freistil bei Deutsche Meisterschaften in Berlin
2004 3. Platz in 4x200m Freistil und 4. Platz in 4x100m Freistil bei der Olympiade in Athen
2003 3. Platz 4x50m Freistil bei der EM in Dublin
  2. Platz 4x100m Freistil bei der WM in Barcelona
2002 3. Platz in 100m Freistil und in 4x50m Freistil bei der EM in Riesa
  1. Platz in 4x100m und 4x200m Freistil sowie 4x100m Lagen bei der EM in Berlin
2001 3. Platz in 4x50m Freistil bei der EM in Antwerpen
  1. Platz in 4x100m Freistil bei der WM in Fukuoka
2000 2. Platz in 4x50m Lagen und 3. Platz in 4x50m Freistil bei der EM in Valencia


15) Livio Bressan is SextetDoc

I am a 53-year-old Milanese hospital Neurologist, specialized in Internal medicine, Nephrology and Neuropathology.
I have a degree in classical guitar from the Conservatory.
I've also studied the Piano and Composition in Conservatory . My compositions have been performed by important musical ensembles.
I have taught Classical Guitar for 15 years for Municipal Music Schools and Academies.
Some of my Students have won awards on the National and International Levels.
I've been studying the flute for eight years and I currently play flute in a chamber sextet (first flute, second flute, violin, viola, guitar, cello).
Our programme includes pieces I have composed and transcribed, as well as pieces by Astor Piazzolla, Ligeti, Berio, Morton Feldman, Hindemit, Smith Brindle.
In addition to executing pieces on the flute, I also orchestrate, transcribe and compose.
I would like to be a part of The Philharmonic Doctors Orchestra
Thank you, Livio Bressan

+39 (02) 61 76 - 52 80

16) LamaDoc Edward Podvoll presented in "Someone Beside You" movie

Dr. Edward Podvoll was a graduate and former faculty member of the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute. For nine years, he was a staff psychiatrist at Chestnut Lodge Hospital and the Director of Training and Education at the Austen Riggs Center. He was the Director of the graduate program in Contemplative Psychotherapy at The Naropa University from 1978 to 1990. He was the founding Medical Director of Maitri Psychological Services, the first Windhorse treatment center. Dr. Podvoll presented the Windhorse Project in his groundbreaking book, Recovering Sanity Shambhala Publications, 2003; (previously published as The Seduction of Madness by HarperCollins, 1990). In 1990, Dr. Podvoll entered a long-term meditation retreat in a Buddhist monastery in France. He completed this retreat in 2002 and returned to Boulder to resume his teaching, writing, and consulting activities. Shambhala Publications published an expanded edition of his book in Fall 2003. He had a special interest in the training of Windhorse team leaders and in meditation experience as the basis for helping others. Dr. Edward Podvoll (1936–2003).

courtesy of http://www.windhorsecommunityservices.com/clinicians.html

A wonderful film is available now to those who speak German or English. We could say it is a film about an approach to psychosis based on the dharma, based on the basic truth that everyone's mind has a basic, completely sound and healthy dimension which can never go crazy. The film is about the possibilities and efforts to contact that dimension of basic sanity even when one feels in greatest confusion. Those who continue to read will find a discussion in German from the recent film release in Switzerland which was accompanied by lots of forum discussions everywhere. More news later, when the film will be released in other countries. Wer sich direkt informieren möchte, schaue unter: www.someonebesideyou.com  oder lesen sie hier weiter...

If You Have a Mind You Can Lose It

Someone Beside You 98 Min, Color, Dolby Digital, 35mm, 2006, OV CH-German/English




official site: www.someonebesideyou.com

Eine längere Passage des Films widmet Hagen dabei dem im Jahre 2003 verstorbenen Psychoanalytiker Edward Podvoll, mit dem Hagen kurz vor dessen Tod ein längeres Gespräch führte, das als "filmisches Testament" des Arztes betrachtet werden kann, der nicht nur Nervenarzt, sondern auch buddhistischer Lama war.

17) David Gilmore ClownDoc and Theatre-therapist

He is ClownDoc and had been working as theatre therapist in psychiatric hospitals.

Living in the Black Forest /Germany he gives workshops all over Germany.


18) LightDoc Alexander Wunsch is opening another new category

Having specialised in light and helps understand the natural power of light therapy



+49 (179) 691 51 23



We can hope he will be doing the lights in www.PDO.name ....

19) Mo Edoga is ArtDoc and has exhibited on the documenta in Kassel/Germany

signal tower of hope - documenta Kassel 1992



The End (could be the beginning of more!):

Last not least: Would you all like to make a new game?
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this would cost you half a minute to duplicate the interest for this exciting field! Are you joining the "habit"???????

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Wolfgang E.

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