Hello DoctorsTalents-friends,

This is your FREE monthly www.DoctorsTalents.com newsletter for April 2008 which is late because I wanted to report about the debut of the WDO World Doctors Orchestra!
See all newsletters since 2002 at AllDoctorsTalentsNewsletters.htm

Some of you have become new members of our beneficial association DoctorsHobbies.com
so they automatically receive the newsletter, OK? Everybody should become member at a modest rate of 5 Euro per month, check-in here please

1) The PDO is being founded, PhilharmonicDoctorsOrchestra

PDO has a double meaning:
for MusicDocs and PsychoProfessionals

targeting a complete opera production with MusicDocs
and not only producing music but
work with ourselves as in psychotherapeutic supervision
and thus get into very good and profound communication:

First of all:
The Magic Flute

See more at www.PDO.name , meet the founders Callista Janzing, Otmar Desch and Wolfgang Ellenberger and register for the very first production - "The Magic Flute" of Mozart! Click on pictures to get on their personal web pages.


Otmar Desch Portrait
general practitioner

Callista Janzing
personal - musicians coach

Wolfgang Ellenberger
concert pianist
medical doctor


We are planning on four working phases beginning in spring 2009 until the first full opera performance will be possible. Each of the first three working phases will have a symphonic concert as a highlight including several opera arias from the production and at least one symphonic work. The climax of the fourth working phase will be one ore two performances of the entire opera!

The organisation will be formed of an orchestra, choir, solo singers, director, stage designer, costume maker. We are looking forward to discover new talents!

The place of the performance is still open, but the minimum will be a big concert hall with a modest stage setting. Another of the options in discussion is an open-air performance at an established outdoor opera festival....! In any case the video documentation will be available as DVD and online at www.YouTube.com/DoctorsTalents (84 films already there) afterwards as a multiplication platform.

Just in case there are more interested MusicDocs than necessary for the "Magic Flute" we might even run other projects in "parallel mode": Otmar Desch might setup his stage musical "The Call of the Dalai Lama" again, which has had its world premiere in Stendal/Germany 2007 and other options.

Please submit the form on the www.PDO.name web page and let us know what you can do for this production!

2) The www.World-Doctors-Orchestra.org has given debut in the Berlin Philharmony

May 4th, 2008 at Berlin Philharmony. 80 MusicDocs from 20 countries. 230 MusicDocs in the waiting line to participate.
Debut of a new orchestra. Stefan Willich conducting. Anne Berghöfer perfect management.

Backstage an incredible athmosphere of friendship on international level. Two organisations receive the benefiz of the event: "Hilfswerk Indien Dr. Elisabeth Vomstein Schliengen-Mauchen.e.V." and the www.Hugo-Tempelman-Stiftung.de .

The program was:
Ouverture of Gaetano Donizetti's opera "L' elisir d'amore"
Ludwig van Beethovens violin concerto in D major op. 61 with Peter Zazofsky
Antonin Dvorak symphony No. 9 e minor op. 95 ("New World Symphony")

3) Bela Resch is BassDoc

Hello Wolfgang,

Thank you for letter.
I have graduated as a medical doctor in 1997 in Hungary. I worked 2 years in hospital. Now I am working in pharmacology education and research at the local university.
My main non-medical interest is playing and studying upright and electric bass. I am mainly interested in the double bass, playing jazz, avantgarde, free improvised and classical (both chamber and orchestra) music. Electric bass is my second instrument. I am very much inspired to use both in as many genres, ensembles, ideas, experiments and projects etc. as possible. As I have written in my application, I am very much interested in combining music with any other art form.
I played in the European Medical Student Orchestra, now I am a member of the European Doctors Orchestra. I have applied for the World Doctors Orchestra, but they were full already, when I was informed about it.

Best wishes, Bela

4) Hans-Ulrich Brandt is ComposerDoc, PianoDoc and TangoDoc


He found time to visit me during my duty in www.Schloss-Waldleiningen.de where we could make a bit music together.

click on picture to see 1:47 min take:


He also played his piano concerto to give an idea, interesting style between romantic and modern elements.

5) Michael Lobisch-Delija is PoetDoc (german poems)

Lobisch-Delija Home

Since 1995 own poems
since 2005 publication in print media,
see list: http://www.lobisch-delija.de/html/bibliographie.html


Hypomane Nachschwankung

Niemanden bemerkt
der die Früchte meiner Logorrhoe
aufkehrte die Silben hinter mir
mitsamt der gefallenen Buchstaben
eben noch al dente zwischen den Zähnen
für die Buchstabensuppe
trotzdem zu zahlreich

[für Pr. Dr. Albrecht Beutelspacher]

Zehn minus drei freche Raben
haben die Zahlen vergraben
doch unter dem vierten Gefieder
wacht noch die liegende Acht

Herr Ober ruft’s Zahlen!
Doch sind keine da im Lokal
zahllose Wirte raufen sich Haare
und rufen nach Hilfe und Rechnungshof

Nur der Professor A.B. vom Mathe-
matikum ganz in der Nähe der Lahn
holt die Ersatzzahlen aus dem Tresor
(mit denen niemand gerechnet hat)

Noch unter dem vierten Gefieder
versteckt sich die liegende Acht -
aber wer braucht jetzt noch
die ganze Unendlichkeit !?

See in his presentation.

6) "Last call" for the Medigames DocOlympiades!!!

This coming July from 12th to 19th in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria/Germany
about 4000 docs coming and having 25 kinds of sports

Go online and book your place in english and other languages: www.MediGames.com
Go online "zur Buchung" in german: http://www.sportweltspiele.de/presse

7) Riad Michael is ComposerDoc, StudioDoc and ProducerDoc

In addition to his alias Geyser the Cologne-based musician, composer, producer, physician and music therapist Riad Michael also records under his own name. He has released his noticed solo debut album Digger in 2000 and has founded his own record label Geyser Recordings in 2005 by which his following studio albums have been published amongst exclusive contributions to the different compilation series Geyser Tech, Geyser Lounge and Geysertronica.



8) Georg Hörmann is TeacherDoc, MusicologyDoc and ConductorDoc

Lieber Doc Ellenberger,

esten Dank für den Hinweis auf die interessanten Seiten und Ihre vielfältigen Aktivitäten. Ich hoffe doch sehr, dass ich Sie mal bald hören kann. Nehmen Sie mich daher bitte in den Verteiler Ihrer Auftritte. Leider kann ich meinem Hobby gegenwärtig nur eingeschränkt frönen, zuletzt hatten wir einen Auftritt beim Bamberger Symposion "Psychosoziale Gesundheit im Beruf"; ich hoffe aber, dass dies demnächst wieder anders wird. So steht gerade die Aktualisierung unserer homepage
an für neue Aktivitäten, bei der Gelegenheit will ich auch versuchen, eine kleine "Story" mit ein paar Fotos  zusammenzustellen. Vom sagenhaften Klavierspiel von Prof. Günther habe ich mich zu meiner Schande bislang noch nicht überzeugen können, jedesmal kam ein anderer Termin dazwischen, zuletzt hat mich der Bamberger Patientenclub auf sein für diesen im letzten Jahr gegebenes Gastspiel hingewiesen,  da ich dort am 21.07.2008 auch wieder einen Vortrag, diesmal zur Glücksspielsucht - mit pianistischer Untermalung - halten werde. Die Idee mit den drei Klavieren finde ich durchaus apart, vielleicht können wir ja mal tatsächlich so eine verrückte session aushecken, es muß ja nicht immer die virtuose Klassik sein, warum nicht auch mal was Kabarettistisches aus den ranzigen Zwanzigern.

Univ.Prof. Dr.med. Dr.phil. Dr. rer.soc. Georg Hörmann
Dipl.Psych., M.A. (Musikwissenschaft)

Abitur at Humboldt-Gymnasium Ulm/Germany
Studies at University of Freiburg i.Br., Münster, Tübingen and Hamburg in



professional work (german)

        1991 - 1992 Dekan der Fakultät Pädagogik, Philosophie, Psychologie 
        1992 - 1994 Prodekan der Fakultät Pädagogik, Philosophie, Psychologie

further activities

Von 1978 -1984 Mitarbeit in der Redaktionskommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie. Herausgabe der vierteljährlich erscheinenden Zeitschrift "verhaltenstherapie und psychsoziale praxis" sowie der Bücherreihe (Forumbände, Materialien). Leitender Redakteur des Medizinressorts der Tageszeitung „Ärztezeitung“; Herausgeber der "Psychologischen LiteraturUmschau" (1991-1996), Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift " Musik- Tanz- und Kunsttherapie - Zeitschrift für künstlerische Therapien" (Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, seit 1994 im Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie, Göttingen). 

  see http://web.uni-bamberg.de/ppp/allgpaed/mitarb.htm
more to come

9) Kamil Müller is Art-CollectorDealerRestauratorDoc

Kamil Müller from Buchen/Germany is having an art shop http://www.kunsthandel-dr-mueller.de
where he is working as art agency restauration of different kinds of art, exhibition manager - more and more integrating modern arts.
More to come.

The End (could be the beginning of more!):

Last not least: Would you all like to make a new game?
Everybody forwards EVERY newsletter to ONE single person of interest whom you know personally from the health care field.
this would cost you half a minute to duplicate the interest for this exciting field! Are you joining the "habit"???????

For your friends who get it forwarded:
Subscribe for the newsletter (FREE and monthly) and


Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Wolfgang E.

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