Hello DoctorsHobbies-friends,

This is your FREE monthly DoctorsHobbies.com newsletter for November 2006.
Again there are so many interesting colleagues so I report about TWO handful of "topics"!

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1) Annamaria Habermann got a nice report in the italian magazine "Il Giorno"

about her book "L'ultima lettera di Tibor" ("The last letter of Tibor")

This book was a bestseller in Italy and it deals about the hungarian revolution -being associated with
Annamaria's personal historical background.

She is WriterDoc, more even PianoDoc and has designed an ergonomic piano bench
which you can order online, we ship it to any part of the world.

See about her in her own presentation!

2) AdvocatDoc Martin F. Siebert

Dr. med. Dr. jur. Martin F. Siebert 

He is CEO of the Asklepios clinic chain in Germany and in California holding > 70 hospitals and health units

See an always actual report about his career as advocate and medical doctor on the homepage of www.Asklepios.de
and about him at http://www.asklepios.com/das_unternehmen/Organisation_und_Management/hauptgeschaeftsfuehrung.htm

3) Jörg Bausch-Hölterhoff is TV-Doc

ARD/WDR  TATORT: Odins Rache, Buch und Regie Hannes Stöhr, 
Fernsehfilm Deutschland 2003, am Sonntag (11.07.04) um 20.15 Uhr im Ersten.
Dr. Joseph Roth (Joe Bausch) ist sich sicher: Die beiden Skinheads wurden mit der gleichen Waffe ermordet.
© WDR/Thekla Ehling, honorarfrei - Verwendung nur im Zusammenhang mit genannter WDR-Sendung und bei Nennung
"Bild: WDR/Thekla Ehling".(S2) WDR-Pressestelle/Bildredaktion (0221)220 -2408 oder -4405 Fax -8471

The actor and medical doctor Jörg Bausch-Hölterhoff has a moving past:
He has studied theatre sciences, politology, law and finally medicine.
Joe fought against the establishment and founded the "theatre pathological institute"
which was well-known with provocant pieces in the german Ruhrgebiet in the 80-ies.
He has been working as medical doctor in the prison of Werl/Germany.

Read a detailled article in the Deutsches Ärzteblatt clicking on the photo below
and his presentation at the TV-station WDR clicking on the photo above.

Tatort Köln: Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär), Joseph Roth (Josef Bausch-Hölterhoff) und Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt, von links) sind ein eingespieltes Team. Foto:WDR
Courtesy of Deutsches Ärzteblatt

4) Martin Schmidt is FlyingDoc

Hallo Docs and colleagues, 

Anamnesis: Study of medicine in Cologne, Heidelberg and Mannheim, doctorate degree in Heidelberg in ginecology.
Clinical work at University Hospital Heidelberg, Mannheim and Aschaffenburg (all ginecology, 2,5 years).
In the year 2000 exit of curative medicine because of inhuman working conditions - change to the software industry and consulting services (medical software, therapy planning systems for hospitals, process oriented systems (bedding, guide lines, workflow). Ever since satisfied consultor.
In 2001 beginning to fly at the Frankfurt (Main)-Egelsbach association EDFE. Had been flying models as pupil and student for over 10 years.

Addictions: flying, flying, flying - models, PPL-A-flying, UL-flying. 180 hrs of experience with 380 starts and landings. In the last 3 months I have made re-entry in model flying (I cannot miss it...).

.....   ......

Kind regards
Martin Schmidt

See his DoctorsHobbies.com presentation!

5) Barbara Grün is PianoDoc and SingingDoc

Dear Mr Ellenberger, 

many thanks about the fast reply! First of all I would like to introduce myself, I am working at the university hospital of Bonn/Germany as assistant doctor for a year now and have studied music before my medical studies - piano! I have concluded my music studies but have neglected this a bit during my medical studies, so I have not practised professionally any more for 8 years. I am performing publically as singer in the university choir but not as instrumentalist. Of course the project in Frankfurt is very interesting but I cannot confirm about the Mozart sonata since I have changes in front of me. I will practise the sonata (d major, 4 hands) and we might play it some time. I am looking forward to an intensive exchange with many other MusicDocs and colleagues with other talents!

Kind regards
Barbara Grün

6) Herbert Mück is CinemaTherapyDoc, SpiritualDoc, 

Of course he knows Birgit Wolz about whom we reported before and who was the founder of cinema therapy.
Read an interesting interview (in german) about how cinema therapy works:

He is giving spiritual tips on his huge homepage
There is a very nice story (in english) with spiritual truth inside, read this

Read about him on his homepage www.Dr-Mueck.de !

7) Cristina Miliacca is CinemaTherapyDoc

Dear visitor, have you already gone through some of the virtual rooms in my web space? Here you find the author of it face to face, I think I have to give you some informations about myself.

As psychologist I am activein clinical psychology since 1993. I had been getting interested in cinema therapy since the late 80-ies when during my studies I hit into a group of "cinematologists" - it hit me like lightning! So it was more than logical to make my "laurea" about this topic and later I specialized in cinematic direction to have also some technical understanding about my psychological knowledges. In plus in the clinical psychology I am specializing as "cognitive psychotherapist".

Apart from my clinical activities I am working together with some colleagues in training trainers, adult teaching and more.

There is a project called Socrates-Grundtvig 2" and I am project manager in different projects being financed by the European Community.

Cinema for me is unifying my leisure time and profession, the process of self-recognition is in steady motion, be caught by this afascinating world which will open in front of you!

Read about her Resume:
from her homepage www.CinemaPsiche.it

Contact - Education - Professional experiences
Teachings - Project Management - Projects - Publications


 8) Dr. Rolf Spangenberg TV and RadioDoc and JournalistDoc

His presentation in the central association of german zoological shops:

He was born in February 7, 1932 in Hamburg and wanted to become veterinarian when he was 6 years old. After his "Abitur" (high school degree) he studied veterinary medicine in Gießen, Hannover and Berlin. Besides his work as veterinarian and his engagement in the protection of animals he worked as a journalist and wrote several books. Today he gives tips in a bunch of papers and magazines as well as in TV and radio broadcasts. If he has some time left over he goes travelling and hiking with his wife and goes biking with his motor bike just besides his participation in marathon runs. Apart from sharks and certain insects there is no animal race he does not like. At home he has a snake ("Kornnatter") named Karoline as pet and likes its beauty and its tolerance when he is out of house so often.

...about cat illnesses

... dog illnesses

questions and answers
all around the dog

Read about his "story" why he became TV-Doc in his own presentation!

9) Hans Michael Schulz is WanderingDoc and WriterDoc

 courtesy of www.Aerzte-Zeitung.de :

If Hans Michael Schulz packs his back pack "the path is the goal": walking paths of pilgrims is like a read thread in the life of the ex chief doctor of Nordhorn/Germany. He walked with 30 people between 17 and 77 the path of "Birgita of Sweden" through the Mecklenburg landscape, praying, being silent or singing, even working in projects. Per day they walk distances of 20-25 km. All this began in spring 1994 when he left his hospital for half a year to walk to Santiago de Compostela - no more than 3500 km distance. He wrote his impressions down in his book "Fernwechsel" which is sold out though...  He likes it: times of walking, viewing, thinking and praying - in between interesting talks with his co-walkers.

ora et labora action: preparing old walls of monastery Tempzin

Schulz in the midst of his group in 2002 on an ecomenical pathway.

10) Sol Lyfond is ArtDoc and VideoDoc

After three years as medicine student he switched to study fine arts in Aachen and Cologne/Germany.
HIs unique specialisation is to bring out the beauty of the human body or nature in fascinating photos
or video installations!

See original article in Deutsches Ärzteblatt: http://www.aerzteblatt.de/v4/archiv/artikel.asp?src=suche&id=52878

A god presentation in an art gallery showing more photos:

with his resume (in german)

The End (could be the beginning of more!):

Last not least: Would you all like to make a new game?
Everybody forwards EVERY newsletter to ONE single person of interest whom you know personally from the health care field.
this would cost you half a minute to duplicate the interest for this exciting field! Are you joining the "habit"???????

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Wolfgang E.

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