Hello DoctorsHobbies-friends,

This is your FREE monthly DoctorsHobbies.com newsletter for August 2006.

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Breaking news:

Series of hospital recitals with MusicDocs started in D-74736 Hardheim/Germany!

It was a great success for the PR public relations of the 61 beds hospital in Hardheim/Germany to experience a piano recital by Wolfgang Ellenberger as well as a little art exhibition of a nurse and a pharmaceutical assistant and as a surprise a belly dance of another nurse!

See many details in the german web site www.KrankenhausKonzerte.de and please speak to your local hospital leaders in Germany to participate in this innovative series: Marketing and phantastic PR for your hospital practically without any cost (just a little risk coverage)!!!

Target: To send the best MusicDocs form all over the world on tournee through 50 or even 500 german hospitals! Every hospital (let us begin with Germany...)
is welcome to participate, see details at the KK-web.

and now your "handful" of upcoming news from July 2006:

1) Brazil is football World Champion!

No? You don't believe it??
Yes! Indeed! We are talking about the Medical football championship of the WMFF (World Medical Football Federation)
which happened in June 2006 in Mainz/Germany just before the FIFA event.
See actual article in Ärzte-Zeitung.de : http://www.aerztezeitung.de/docs/2006/06/16/109a1601.asp?cat=/magazin


In June 2006 the world championship of medical soccer teams from 4 continents with 250 to 300 players took place in Mainz/Germany
and the Brazilian team won the title!

Spain fighting against England (white)...

the german team.

Dr. Clemens Vogel from Mainz prepared this big event! He is the new president of WMFF.
See his homepage: http://www.tcmvogel.de

The web site in english: http://www.dfae.de/wm_01.html preparing the championship in Germany.

Catalania Team from Barcelona/Spain: https://www.comb.es/cat/actualitat/esdeveniments/activitats/medijocs/docs/seleccio_catalana.pdf
Dr. Ferran Morell is founder of this competition:

He participated in the board of "medi-jocs 2005" a sport congress for medicals
He is also involved in the MediJocs 2006 and you can hear him speaking online!
Go to http://www.comb.cat/cat/actualitat/articles_events/webcast.asp?Id=11 for all details!

See articles: http://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/region/objekt.php3?artikel_id=2407004

Japanese site about this event: http://www.fromdoctor.com/weekly/weekly_body.asp?num=6904&category=4

A photo with the brazilian team from the WMFF championship in 2005 in Barcelona:

2) Isabel Vértes-Schütter is TheatreDoc and SuperintendantDoc!

Isabella Vértes-Schütter was born on April 22, 1962 in Hamburg/Germany as daughter of "Kammersängering" Helga Pilarczyk and the export manager Dr. István Vértes.
In the beginning she wanted to become medical doctor and passed the medical degree 1987 with "Promotion and Approbation".
Already during her medical studies she began studying to be actress at Prof. Anne Marks-Rocke. Just besides she studied classical singing with Helga Pilarczyk and Prof. Hans KAgel and studied chanson and musical with Prof. Ursula Gompf. In 1988 Isabella Vértes-Schütter passe dher acting exam i front of the "Paritätische Kommission" and began workin as actress at the "fesival of women" in the "Kampnagel Fabrik" Hamburg.
IN 1990 she married Freidrich Schütter and their son Daniel was born. Since 1991 she plays at the Ernst Deutsch Theater regularly and in 1994 she directed the festical "Hammoniale - Festival of Women".

Since her husband Friedrich Schütter died in 1995 she is superintendant of the Ernst Deutsch Theater.
More than her professional engagement she fulfills different beneficial tasks, like in the cultural forum Hamburg, in the Bürgerstiftung foundation, in the curatory or the Bertini-prize and she is chairwoman of the childrens hospiz "Sternenbrücke".
In 1998 her son Mischa Emanuel was born.

Her resume in german:
Isabella Vértes-Schütter wurde am 22. April 1962 in Hamburg als Tochter der Kammersängerin Helga Pilarczyk und des Exportmanagers Dr. István Vértes geboren. Zunächst wollte sie Ärztin werden und absolvierte das Medizinstudium 1987 mit Approbation und Promotion.
Bereits während des Studiums begann sie eine Schauspielausbildung bei Prof. Anne Marks-Rocke. Außerdem ließ sie sich bei Helga Pilarczyk und Prof. Hans Kagel in klassischem Gesang und bei Prof. Ursula Gompf in Chanson und Musical unterrichten. 1988 legte Isabella Vértes-Schütter ihre Prüfung vor der Paritätischen Kommission ab und begann die künstlerische Mitarbeit beim "Festival der Frauen" auf Kampnagel.
1990 heiratete sie Friedrich Schütter und der gemeinsame Sohn Daniel wurde geboren. Seit 1991 spielte sie regelmäßig am Ernst Deutsch Theater und übernahm 1994 die Festivalleitung der "Hammoniale - Festival der Frauen".
Sei dem Tod ihres Mannes Friedrich Schütter im Jahre 1995 ist sie Intendantin des Ernst Deutsch Theaters.
Über ihr berufliches Engagement hinaus, nimmt sie diverse ehrenamtliche Aufgaben wahr, u.a. im Kulturforum Hamburg, im Stiftungsrat der Bürgerstiftung, im Kuratorium des Bertini-Preises und sie ist Schirmherrin des Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke.
1998 wurde ihr Sohn Mischa Emanuel geboren.

3) Philadelphia Doctors Orchestra has performed

Dear Wolfgang. The philadelphia Doctors Chamber Orchestra with the Valley Forge military Academy choir and the Country Day Sacred heart Combined Choirs performed at the KIMMEL CENTER in PHILADELPHIA, June 2, 2006.
We are participating in a fund raiser for the multipe sclerosis foundation with our concert in the KIMMEL center. Works: finlandia, plovtsian dances of borodin, die fledermaus and other works. Great job that you are doing . thanks fawzi habboushe.Fawzi Habboushe M.D. Conductor.

4) Doktor Stratmann´s own theatre
he is also TennisDoc

"Stratmanns" in TV

"Jupp sein Essen
("Jupp´s town Essen")

  ...on stage

Dr. Ludger Stratmann, a General Practitioner in Essen/Germany has founded an own theatre!

Right in the center of Essen the "Europa-Haus" is situated.

He makes a comedy-style show,
has been in TV for many times
and is performing in other theatre all over Germany.

You should visit it when you pass by in Essen!

Even if it is in German it will be worthwhile.......

Visit the homepage of Dr. Stratmann

AND his theatre: www.Stratmanns.de  !!!!

...well, he is also TennisDoc!

5) Natalie Ackermann is MissDoc!

In Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany she became Miss Germany Universe in 2006.

http://www.colana.com her homepage where you can see many more beautiful pictures!

here she is together with her friend Miss Columbia

The medical student from Düsseldorf /Germany has become MIss Germany and now she was participating at the competition of Miss Universe in July 2006! Here you can see her entire presentation online including interview, video, photos!


Here is an interview from her homepage translated to english:

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
What I enjoy most is discovering the miracles of this world. To me, the most interesting thing in life is learning and experiencing the different cultures and people of our world. Therefore, the thing I enjoy doing most is traveling to foreign countries.

Name one person other than your parents who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My brother Oliver Ackermann because he's the person who knows me best. He's not only my brother he is also my best friend and the person who still has the most influence on me.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
I want to become an actress. I'm taking drama classes and participating in beauty pageants, specifically, the Miss Universe competition, to achieve my goal.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
My brother and I were raised by our parents in Büderich, Germany. I was able to have a wonderful childhood where I had the freedom to have my own experiences but also the support and caregiving of my parents. When I was younger my parents gave me deep roots, and as I grew they gave me wings so I could fly.

What makes you unique and different from the other contestants?
I've always been true to myself, and I never try to be somebody I'm not.

6) Lutz Czech is harmonics singer and gives classes for medical doctors

This actor, musician and singer is teaching a special school of "harmonics singing" which is close to meditation.
In his singing school he receives also many medical doctors who are close to music therapy and like singing and meditation.

So feel free to visit his homepage and book one of his next harmonics classes in "Obertonsingen": http://www.obertoene.de

The End (could be the beginning of more!):

Last not least: Would you all like to make a new game?
Everybody forwards EVERY newsletter to ONE single person of interest whom you know personally from the health care field.
this would cost you half a minute to duplicate the interest for this exciting field! Are you joining the "habit"???????

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Wolfgang E.

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