Dear subscriber,

here is your FREE newsletter from for October 2002!

1) added new information:


2) Since we are still under 100 subscribers
of the newsletter you are among the winners
of 10 MB webspace.

You are not afraid to use this prize, are you? (Because not all did it).
Well it does not hurt to start an own private or even commercial/medical site.
Just go ahead and make the first steps. Check ComputerDocs and InternetDocs first for important
information. The internet is very fast, you can change something right away and it is published
in the moment you store it on your server.

This prize is really FREE without any obligation! It is including a so-called "sub-domain" of
That means that your domain could be: but of course you can
buy (self-cost price) an own domain which you can move to any internet server at any time if you wish.
Just follow the instructions of the account-opening in the form: and go!

3) Finally the medical journals are reporting:

In the latest issue of the "Deutsches Aerzteblatt" there is a report about
which is encouraging. (click the link for the German original).

It also means some acknowledgment from official institutions for the HobbySite.

Do you have contacts to publishers? Maybe you can just tell them about it and make them write it
into their publications. The very best is always an internet publication because the visitor just can
make a click to get there.
You could also tell your PublisherFriends that I am at their disposition for any question.

4) Recommendation of the month:

Are you playing a music instrument? Are you suffering back pain from working in the sitting position?
Well, the "linea Dr. Habermann" designer-bench is not only a piano bench but can be used as an optimal
support for the sitting-worker at any occasion. Imagine to work on such a relief-seat in your doctors office!
Your spine column will ALWAYS be balanced and there will be no more continuous stress for your back
muscles to keep an upright position.

Please check the Medical Scientific Report of our nice colleague Annamaria Habermann from Milano
who has designed this bench. And she knows what she did, because she is a phantastic pianist
(with piano diploma!).
After that when you are interested please let me know which type of bench you would like to have and
I inform you at once about the transport price to whatever place on this planet!
Then you can click on my link (in the e-mail) and pay with credit card. Maximum two or three weeks later
you will sit on that super-physiological bench!


Thank you for your time. Tell me if the newsletter is too long or too short or tell what you miss.

That was it for October 2002!

Nice greetings from Naples/Italy where I am working this week.

Yours sincereley,



PS.: Why don t you just forward this newsletter to your medical friends? It is free anyways.
They might be motivated to visit the site and subscribe to the newsletter themselves!

If you have received this mail erroneously please excuse.

You can unsubscribe at any time.
Send an e-mail to over the account
for which you want to unsubscribe.