students are free, normal members 60 €uro annually, sponsor members more options
your first name:
your last name:
your e-mail adress
your office phone:
your cell phone:
your private phone:
your fax:
your street and house no.:
your city:
your state:
your zip code:
your country:
your profession (PDO members: please tell also your voice/instrument): not restricted (but accentuated) to health care professionals as: medical doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, psycho-therapists of all kinds Would you mind sending us a copy of your degree by fax to +49 (1212) 5-135-05-622 or by e-mail to Wolfgang[AT] ? Replace [AT] with @
please select one of the more expensive options in this list-box! Please select your option (obligatory) I am a student, NO cost for membership, I will grade up once I work! NORMAL member, 60 €uro per year Sponsor member 120 €uro per year SUPER sponsor member 240 €uro per year Corporate membership! Please contact Wolfgang Ellenberger personally +41 (76) 568 47 77
Submitting and making your FIRST PAYMENT from the follow-up-page link you accept that we may draw the same rate once a year from your same credit card after announcement to your above e-mail adress until your cancellation.