Jacalyn M Duffin is HistoryDoc

Since September 1988, Hannah Professor, Queen's University
Cross-appointments in Departments of Medicine, Philosophy, and History, and Faculty of Education

Jacalyn Duffin is a Canadian, a hematologist (Toronto MD, FRCPC), a historian (PhD Sorbonne), and a mother. She has worked as a physician in Quebec, Newfoundland, and several Ontario cities, including Toronto, London, Thunder Bay, and Ottawa before accepting the Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine at Queen?s University in 1988. At Queen?s, she teaches graduates and undergraduates in the medical school and in the departments of Philosophy and History, and the Faculty of Law. Her research focuses on the history of 19th and 20th century medicine. She is the author of several articles and three books: Langstaff, A 19th Century Medical Life (University of Toronto Press 1993); To See With a Better Eye; A Life of RTH Laennec (Princeton University Press 1998) and History of Medicine; A Scandalously Short Introduction (University of Toronto Press 1999). Her current interests are in disease concepts and medical saints. For a CV and more information about her program visit her website at http://meds.queensu.ca/medicine/histm/

Jacalyn M Duffin
name: Jacalyn M Duffin
email: <duffinj@queensu.ca>
phone: 613 533 6580
campus_extension: 36580
department: School of Medicine, Fac. of Education, History, Philosophy
type: Faculty

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